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2020-09-15 08:30:01

M3 英语作文范文 M3 英语作文范文 范文: Module 3 My hero Hello, everyone. Different people have different heroes in their heart. Jackie Chan is my hero. He actors/movie stars in the world. / What is a true hero? a true hero should be successful and helpful .Jackie Chan is a good example. So he is my hero in my heart. He was born in Hongkong in 1954.When he was young , he Kung fu. He trained hard he could play Kung fu well. People used to call him the second Bruce Lee. he became an actor and finished his first movie. That s amazing! Unluckily, this movie didn t make him famous, but he didn t give up. He worked so hard that he became famous in 1978. heroes. His movies are very popular all over the world. He millions of people. At the same time, his movies has made Chinese Kung fu famous in the world. Nowadays, he is so successful .But Jackie Chan s wasn t an easy one. He also experienced several was still standing. I consider Jackie Chan as my hero .That s because he is simply the best. First his best .Second,as well as a succssful man .So far, he has given money to Charities many times to help poor children. , He is a true hero. I m proud of him. I have learned a lot from him. I want to be someone just like Jackie Chan one day. 荐 风 景 就 在 身 边 600 字 作 文 荐 懂 得 知 足 1100 字 作 文 荐 风 景 就 在 身 旁 1100 字 作 文 荐 熟 悉 的 地 方 也 有 风 景 500 字 作 文 荐半烛残影,谁共我一帘幽梦800 字作文

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  1. 2020-10-04 13:23几度秋风[北京市网友]IP:3407828312


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