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2020-09-15 09:12:01


When I got up in the morning, I looked out of the window in a confused way. Wow! The snow white trees, the snow white grass, even the mother on the ground was dressed in snow white clothes. I was shocked by the beautiful snow scene.

我迅速地去把弟弟叫醒。正好弟弟看了个入迷,突然,我想到了一个好玩的想法。我兴奋的把的我想法告诉了弟弟: 我们一起去楼下堆雪人吧! 弟弟说: 好呀!好呀!我们把工具带好,一下子跑到了楼下。

I went quickly to wake up my brother. It happened that my brother was fascinated. Suddenly, I thought of a funny idea. I told my brother excitedly, Let s go downstairs and make a snowman together. My brother said, OK! www.zuowenla.cn OK! We took our tools and ran downstairs.


Beginning to make a snowman, first wrap a small snowball, and then roll around from the ground. In a short time, the body of the snowman is finished. It looks white and beautiful, feels soft, and makes a round and big head. The head and body are finished, then two black buttons are used as eyes, radish is used as nose, red paper is used as snowman s mouth, and two trunk branches are used as snowman s hands. m.zuowenla.cn My brother is afraid of the snowman s cold and wears his hat and scarf to the snowman. I think my brother is really silly and lovely.

雪人堆好了,准备回家,可雪人却孤零零地站在那里,好可怜!我拿出手机,让邻居叔叔帮我们 三人 拍了一张照片,我们依依不舍的回家了。

The snowman is ready to go home, but the snowman is standing there alone. What a pity! I took out my cell phone and asked my neighbor uncle to take a picture of the three of us. We reluctantly returned home.


That picture is full of memories!



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