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求初一下学期的英语作文8篇 带翻译 超短的~急用~

2020-09-15 09:27:01

Travelling Most of peoplemlike travelling because it is a very good outdoor activity.We may enjoy the beautiful view of nature and breath the fresh air.You also can make frends widely.It is very important for you to forget those unhanppy things.It can also keep fit.Of course,maybe you can play with animals On the Internet In our daily life ,Internet is getting more important.We can search for information and watch news both and abroad at home.We can read all kinds of books and learn English by ourselves David David is my best frends.David was born 22nd of March. He is Aries.Some people say the person of Aries is energties,sometimes he is impatient , selfish and wants to be the leader .David says it is not right,he always feels tired but he does things patiently .He does not like speaking in public .Ithink he is very generous and never selfisn



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