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初一英语作文my friend60字 带翻译

2020-09-15 10:30:01

给你两篇,你认为哪篇好就用哪篇 My friend I have a friend.Her name is Gina.She is 12 years old.She is a good girl.She is English.Her birthday is September 11th.She likes comedies.She thinks they are funny.She can swim and play the drums.Her favorite food is hamburgers.Her favorite subjects are P.E. and English .Because they are interesting.我有一个朋友。她的名字是Gina(吉娜)。她12岁。她是一个好女孩。她是英国人。她的生日是9月11日。他喜欢喜剧片。她认为它们很好玩。他会游泳和打鼓。她最喜欢的食物是汉堡包。他最喜爱的科目是体育和英语。因为它们有趣。 My friend I have a friend.His name is Jim Miller.His first name is Jim.His family name is Miller.He ie 12 years old.He is EnglishChinese.His birthday is May 15th.He likes playing computer games.And he likes swimming.He also likes reading.He can play the guitar.His English is goodHe is good at English.His favorite subjuct is math.His favorite star is Jackson.我有一个朋友。他的名字是Jim Miller(吉姆 米勒)。他的名字是Jim(吉姆)。他的姓是Miller(米勒)。他12岁。他是英国人(中国人)。他的生日是5月15日。他喜欢玩电脑游戏。并且他喜欢游泳。他也喜欢看书。他会弹吉他。他的英语很棒(他擅长英语)。他最喜爱的科目是数学。他最喜欢的明星是Jackson(杰克逊)。 有可能字母大小写写错了,请谅解



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