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求一片英语作文 题目为:My dream neighbourhood

2020-09-15 10:39:01

求一片英语作文 题目为:My dream neighbourhood 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 作文 题目为:My dream neighbourhood LV 2014 10 28 急求 现在就要 谢谢 满意答案LV2014 10 29My dream neighbourhood is in the center of city. It s a great place to live. Because if offers us a convenient life which everybody dreams of. It s a very busy and clean area. There are lots of cars on Center Street, especially in the morning and evening. Because most people travel at those two time periods. And there also is a tube station named Center Street Tube Station near my house which is a really convenient transportation for the neighbourhood. In addition, there is a big supermarket near my house where I can buy almost everthing I need in my daily life. Besides, some restaurants are located by my house,in which I can eat different types of food anytime I want. Morevoer, there is a service centre, where you can post letters, withdraw money, etc. Next to the cetre is a gym and there is a swimming poor inside it. I can work out in my spare time.It s a really great neighborhood. If you want to go and visit it, the best choice is taking a tube to Center Street Tube Station and then my house will be on your right hand side. Welcome to my dream neighbourhood.55 您可能感兴趣的内容



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