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2020-09-15 10:54:01

时间:2011 03 31来源:作文地带原创栏目:作者:英语作文 收藏: 尽管已经顺利的进入大学,但是我依然一次又一次的怀疑我面对未来挑战的能力。就当前低迷的经济局势看来,我甚至怨恨自己盲目的追求发表论文,因为这将意味着我会毫无社会技能的技术我的学生时代。

版权声明:本文中文翻译由作文地带原版提供,未经许可请勿转载!谢谢。My View on Education.我对的看法Despite having made it to university, I still go through periods of self doubt time and again over my ability to meet future challenges. Looking at the current economic gloom, I even resent myself for pursuing paper qualification blindly as it means I will end up without a valuable and marketable skill.尽管已经顺利的进入大学,但是我依然一次又一次的怀疑我面对未来挑战的能力。就当前低迷的经济局势看来,我甚至怨恨自己盲目的追求发表论文,因为这将意味着我会毫无社会技能的技术我的学生时代。As a small country with only human resources to depend on, our sense of urgency in equipping our people with the know how and skills to make progress is understandable. The question is:Are we doing it the right way?作为一个只有依靠人力资源的小国人民来说,我们由于对我国的装备和人民的技术诀窍和技能的紧迫感而取得的进展是可以理解的。问题是:在这个过程中我应用正确的途径了吗?The stress of schoolwork is, in fact, weighing more and more heavily on our pupils. While the syllabus has been reduced, students are getting more and tougher homework. Some of the questions are so mind boggling that even undergraduates are baffled.学校给学生的课业压力事实上越来越重。虽然内容变少了,但是学生们却需要做越来越多的家庭作业了,这些问题是如此的令人难以置信,甚至大学生们对此也感到困惑。What does this mean? It means cramming does not work. Even if we are exposed to a wealth of knowledge, we will be overloaded and not be able to digest it. Soon, the information will just go to waste. Our education system needs to be reviewed. We need greater space to develop our interests and talents. We need to discover ourselves and our strengths for the genuine safeguard that we can fall back on.From joozone.com.这意味着什么呢?这意味着死记硬背是行不通的。即使我们多面对的是知识的财富,我们也会由于负荷过重而不能接受它们。不久之后,这些信息就会白白浪费。我们的系统需要被重新的看待。我们需要更大的空间来发展我们的兴趣和能力。我需要发现自己的强项,这才是我们真正可以依靠的保障。I have watched a movie that its name was I Am Not Stupid . Jack Neo is the films director, and his movie has this message for us: Everyone is talented in his or her own way. Just because someone is not good at studying, we should not say he is useless. Jack Neo says he is not cut out for academic pursuit. But he has certainly shown immense talent in making movies. When he was in secondary two, he staged a farce in school that had everyone in stitches. Yet his talent was not affirmed by teachers who were only impressed by impeccable results on the report cards.我曾经看过一部电影,它的名字叫 我并不愚蠢 。Jack Neo是电影的导演,他的电影告诉我们这样的信息: 每个人都有他或她自己的特长所在。仅仅是因为一些人不善于学习,我们不应该说他是没用的。 Jack Neo说他对学术的追求从来没有减弱,但是他在拍电影方面的确显示巨大的潜力。当他还是中学二年级的学生时,他在学校动用所以的人演了一出话剧,然而这并没有得到老师的肯定,他们只看重考试成绩。While many have gripes about our school system, Jack Neo believes no system is perfect and ours is comparatively less damaging than others. It does care for pupils who do not do well academically. What we should provide these pupils who are assigned to not so good classes with is proper counseling they should never come to regard themselves as useless.虽然很多人对学校体制抱怨,但Jack Neo认为没有一个体质是完美的。我们能做的只是比别的体质带来更小的伤害。这个体质关心的是学生们谁没有学好课业。我应该提供给那些没有分到好的班级的学生一定的辅导,让他们永远也不要认为自己没用。



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