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2019年春外研版八年级英语下册课件:M2 语法突破 写作指导共15张PPT

2020-09-15 12:21:01

语法突破 写作指导 一、概念 现在完成时表示在以前某个时间已经发生的行为或曾经做过的事情对现在造成的影响或产生的结果。 二、结构 1. 肯定句结构: : 主语 +have/has+ 动词过去分词+ + 其他. . 如 :I have seen the film twice. 我看过这部电影两次。 2. 否定句结构: : 主语 +have/has not+ 过去分词+ + 其他. . 如 :I haven t met him before. 我以前没有见过他。 3. 一般疑问句结构 :Have/Has+ 主语+ + 过去分词+ + 其他? ? 肯定、否定回答 :Yes, 主语 +have/has./No, 主语 +haven t/hasn t. 如: : Has she taken the medicine? 她吃药了吗? ? Yes,she has./No,she hasn t. 是的, , 她吃过了。/ / 不, , 她还没吃。 三、时间副词作标志 常常和以下表示时间的副词连用 ,already 已经 用于肯定句的中间或末尾处 ,never 从不 , , 用于中间处 ,ever 曾经 用于疑问句和肯定句的中间处 ,just 刚刚 用于中间处 ,yet 已经 、 还 , , 用于疑问句或否定句的末尾处 等。有时也不用时间状语, , 但不能和明确表示过去的时间状语连用。 四、动词过去分词的变化 1. 规则变化: : 一般情况下, , 在动词后加 ed work worked 工作 在以e e 结尾的动词后只加 d d close closed 关 以辅音字母加y y 结尾的动词, , 应将y y 改为i i 再加 ed carry carried 携带 以重读闭音节或字母r r 结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词, , 要双写末尾的辅音字母再加 ed stop stopped 停止 prefer preferred d 2. 不规则变化: : 不规则变化没有规律, , 需要在日常学习中强加记忆。 如 :do done 做 ;go gone 去 ;see seen 看见 ;wake woken 醒 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1. I my card.I want to report it. You can call the bank to report the loss.It would be faster. 2018 盐城 A.lose B.was losing C.will lose D.have lost 2. Look!Somebody the lights. Well,it wasn t me.I didn t do it. 2018 连云港 A.turns off B.is turning off C.was turning off D.has turned off D D D D 3.Mount Yangming is fantastic. you ever it? A.Have;visited B.Was;visiting C.Do;visit D.Will;visit 4. How many times Carl to the Great Wall? Only once. A.does;go B.did;go C.has;gone D.has;been 5.Our team another point! I am sure we ll win the game. A.will get B.has got C.is getting D.was getting A A D D B B 6. Turn off the radio, dear.Baby is sleeping. There is no need.He wakeup. 7.Qingdao is a beautiful city.He visit it with his family before. 8. What do you think of the food? I try it.It s very delicious! 9. Is your father at home? No,I m afraid he go out. 10. Will you promise and pick me up tomorrow morning? Yes,I promise. has woken Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 has visited have tried has gone have promised 能用现在完成时谈论与旅游相关的经历。通过学习培养自我独立意识及对祖国、家乡的热爱之情。 1. 话题词汇 1 经历 2 旅行 3 参观 4 享受; ; 喜爱 5 活动 6 放松的 7 照相 experience travel visit enjoy activity take photos relaxed 2. 常用句型 1 每年有数以千计的游客来北京旅游。 visitors travel to Beijing every year. 2 我有许多经历。 I have . . 3 我和我的朋友们玩得很开心。 I I with my friends. 4 我去过上海很多次。 I I Shanghai many times. 5 我们在沙滩上照了许多相。 We on the beach. Thousands of lots of experiences had a a good time had been to took some photos 1. 写作要求 每个人都有旅游的经历, , 有的经历甚至令你终生难忘 。 请以 An unforgettable experience 为题, , 写一篇 80 词左右的短文, , 向大家描述你所经历的一次难忘之旅吧! ! 2. 思路点拨 1 体裁: : 记叙文 2 时态: : 一般过去时 3 人称: : 第一人称 4 写作导图: : 3. 范文借鉴 A A n unforgettable experience This summer,I went to Dalian with my family. We began our trip first from the sea park. We saw many different kinds of fishes there.We also saw a dolphin show.Then we went to the sea,and we all enjoyed ourselves on the beach.However,one of the most unforgettable things was that we had sea food.It was very delicious.By the way,during this trip,we took a lot of photos. We had a good time there.I really want to travel there again. 假定你是李明, , 请你根据下面表格中的汉语提示, , 用英语写一篇日记, , 记述你5 5 月 30日参加的一次郊游活动, , 并简要谈谈你的感受。 活动地点 距离你家约十千米的里湖 交通工具 骑自行车 活动时间 ①上午九点出发 ②十点到达 ③下午五点半返回 活动内容 自定 至少谈及三项活动 要求: : 1. 日记必须要点齐全, , 适当发挥; ; 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; ; 3. 词数 80 左右, , 已给出的词句不计入总词数。 参考词汇: : 郊游 outing 里湖 Li Lake May 30th Today I went for a pleasant outing with my friends. 小编特别提醒: : 在写旅游经历类的文章时, , 一是要抓住参观地方的突出特点; ; 二是要详细描述一下你们在旅游期间做了什么有意义的事情; ; 三是把通过旅游你有什么收获用英语表述一下。 One possible version: May 30th Today I I went for a a pleasant outing with my friends. . The aim place we went to was Li Lake,which was about ten kilometers away from my home. . We rode our bikes at 9 9: : 00 in the morning. . One hour later,we got there. . We went boating in the lake first,and then we went fishing by the lake. . The fish in the lake are big and fresh. . They are all our meals at noon. . In the afternoon,we went swimming in a a swimming pool beside the lake. . We felt relaxed and comfortable in the water. . At 5 5: : 30 in the afternoon,we returned together. . We all had a good time for our outing.



在家做家务的作文 安全为主题的作文 我的期中目标作文 记事作文400字五年级 安全出行作文300字 写目标的作文 家国情怀作文题目 作文案例 人物作文素材 丘索维金娜的作文素材 托福作文批改 分享作文怎么写 小猫和小狗的作文 有关环境保护的英语作文 拖堂作文 心有阳光作文800字 我的本领作文400字 詹姆斯英语作文 晒出我的作文 校园里的春天作文500字 夏天的作文250字 英语四级作文万能套用模板 开放的中国作文 作文300字高中 老师作文四百字 母爱的作文300 怎样交朋友的英语作文 关于称赞的作文 我的梦作文600 幸福在身边500字作文