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2020-09-15 14:39:01

我的家乡英语作文60词参考 >>> 我的家乡英语作文60词参考

2018 02 22

我的家乡英语60词一:My hometown

I live in yushan. it s a quite community.Ther are mang old people living here .mang families with yong children live here and mang students live here ,too.there are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in my community . my home is nan apartment building. there are mang stores close to my home.the bank near pharmacy.

我的家乡英语作文60词二:Changes in my hometown

My hometown has changed a lot.In the past the streets were dirty but they are quite clean now.And today s hometown is rather different from that of the past

for example,the traffic was terrible in the past,but it s safe now.In a word,with the lead of the CPC.my hometown has been becoming more and more beautiful!

我的家乡英语作文60词三:My hometown

My hometown is very beautiful, people want to stay here forever.

Get up every morning, we can see the smoke filled lake, the sun shines on the top, the sparkling shine.

In my hometown, the most beautiful autumn.

Every autumn, the maple leaf has become its mainstream. Fruit trees in front of the dolphin family but also to bear the full fruit.

I love home.

我的家乡英语作文60词四:My hometown

My hometown is in Lianjiang. It is a city in the state of Guangdong. The people here are mostly fruit farmers。Some of them work in the rice cooker industry. It is also one of the largest and most developed county in GuangDong.

Lianjiang is a traditional agricultural county. I live in one of the small town here in.

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