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2020-09-17 13:06:01

I think everyone should have a goal, perhaps want to get rich, perhaps when the leader, maybe...... No matter what kind of target, we have to pay real action, notimagined, only the real struggle, certified listened to, in order to truly embark on the road of success.People say: Once upon a time there was a wise professor and an illiterate adjacentneighbors, their qualifications, status and character difference is too big, but theyhave a common goal: how to get rich as soon as possible. Every day, the professor will proud to tell his wealth by illiteracy, and illiteracy stood by and listened carefully,he admired the wisdom of Professor, and started to become rich ideas according torealize the professor. After some years, illiteracy became a millionaire, and the professor still talk rich theory of it.A person who wants to succeed must dare to imagine, seriously listen to the experience of others, the most important thing is to pay real action. If these you do,then you will have success on the road as a step forward.Zhang Haidi the great man, people should know. Her high paraplegia, but she did not lose confidence in life, not lost. Although he is considered a disabled, but her heart is stronger than normal people. So she was known as "contemporary paul". Facing the cruel fate, she chose not to retreat, but issued a challenge, she is full of confidence to the life. She didnt like normal children, into the campus, should the teacher. She learned a full course of primary school and junior middle school in the home, also learned many languages, and for a master degree and graduate degree. Also translated many of the works, she is a true great man.Zhang Haidi and illiteracy of the story, let me inspired, if a person has a lofty goal, we must strive for, dont talk, to act. If the heart just want to: I want to succeed, I must succeed, but do not pay the actual action, it will never succeed.



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