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2020-09-17 16:15:01



In recent days, everyone has paid attention to the report of fighting against the new type of coronavirus, and I have always paid attention to protecting my health.

叮铃铃 ,手机铃声响了。妈妈接过手机,发现是住在老家的外婆打来的。 妈,您有什么事情啊? 外婆和蔼地说: 小兰啊,妈这边有很多吃不完的猪肉,我寄些到你们那儿去吧! 妈妈一听,可开心了。我立马上前阻拦,礼貌地对妈妈和外婆说: 不可以寄的!难道你们不知道这几天病毒传得很厉害吗?最好别寄食物,特别是肉类,很危险! 外婆和妈妈听了,有些失落。 哦,对,差点把这个大事情忘了。不好意思,那就不寄了吧! 我关心地对外婆说: 外婆,您要注意身体呀!出门要带口罩,但尽量少出门哟!还要注意自己的身体健康,多穿点衣服! 外婆大笑着说: 知道啦,不用操那么多心。你自己也要听爸爸妈妈的话哟!

Jingling , the mobile phone rings. Mom took over the cell phone and found that it was grandma who lived in her hometown. Mom, what can I do for you? Grandma said kindly, Xiao Lan, there are a lot of pork in my mother s side. I ll send some to you! Mom is very happy. I immediately stopped and said politely to my mother and grandmother, no! Don t you know that the virus has spread so much these days? It s better not to send food, especially meat. It s dangerous! Grandma and mother listened, some lost. Oh, yes, I almost forgot the event. Sorry, I won t send it! I said to grandma with concern: grandma, you should pay attention to your health! Wear a mask when going out, but try not to go out as much as possible! Also pay attention to your health and wear more clothes! Grandma laughed and said, you know, don t worry so much. You have to listen to your parents, too!


In the following days, I seldom eat meat, almost every day vegetarian. I wash my hands at least five or six times before eating every day. Before I go to bed, I wash frequently. I hope my friends are as hygienic as I am!


I will fight against the epidemic. Here I would like to say to the people of the whole country: I wish you all good health! Come on, Wuhan! Come on angels!



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