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2020-09-18 15:45:01

原矿黑泥紫砂牛The black mud purple cow我有一把艺术品,是一件原矿黑泥紫砂牛。I have a work of art, is a mineral black mud purple cow.先介绍一下什么是黑泥,黑泥,其色如墨,似黑夜浩瀚天际,深不可测,配以点点金砂,直如天星闪烁,高挂暗夜长空;神秘静寂、引人神往,故历来深受世人锺爱。为早期最常见通用之泥料之一,因矿脉里铁质成份较高,日久使用,深获早期壶识者深爱、赞赏。养壶者之最爱。新壶初用砂土气重,茶汤略现砂气,经使用壶身展现出灰黑,泡茶鋉数日则如墨黑,泡茶好喝,评价好赞不绝口!First introduce what is black mud, mud, the color of ink, like the night sky, have no bottom, with little gold sand, straight as the star twinkling night sky, hanging; mysterious silence, leading charmed, it has always loved by the people of the world. As one of the most common general clay early, because the veins of iron content is higher, long use, won the early know love, appreciate the pot. A pot of love. At the beginning of new pot with sand rustic weight, tea is slightly sand gas, the pot body show grey black, as black tea Su days, make tea drink, evaluation well be profuse in praise!许多朋友误认为缎泥会“吐黑”,其误解之起因,乃昔时窑炉均为低温窑,而缎泥系为高温泥一般烧成温度约摄氏度1175~1180,故每每窑烧不足,成品遇水后呈现还原为原矿色之现象玩家称“吐黑”;此为窑温不足所致,而非泥质之缺陷,希玩家勿因果倒置才是。Many people mistakenly believe that the satin mud will "spit black", the misunderstanding of the cause, but in the kiln are low temperature kiln, and satin mud system for high temperature mud general firing temperature about degrees 1175~1180, they often lack the finished water kiln, after the reduction of ore game player called color phenomenon "spit black"; this is the kiln temperature deficiency, rather than defect mud, and game player is not causal inversion.我的黑泥紫砂牛确实是精品,我每天把玩,感觉很不错。如果有缘分,来我这里一饱眼福。The black mud purple cow me is really fine, every day I play, I feel very good. If there is fate, here is a feast for the eyes.



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