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2020-09-24 12:35:02

以中英文化交流周为题写一篇英语作文 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 交流周为题写一篇英语作文 LV 2015 04 30 满意答案LV2015 05 01Pressure is unavoidable in one’s life, and it maybe from peers, or work, romance and so on. Some individuals become passive when they meet it, and lose their fight. My personal view, however, is that there will be no process if no without pressure. Therefore, the only thing we can do, if any, is to relieve our stress.The methods that I relieve my pressure are variety various, such as reading novels, watching TV and touring. Tour is the way I like most, espec ially mountain climbing. I always climb ZiJin Mount with my fellow friends when the term begins. The procedure of climbing is intense interest. We chat with each other, see the scene, and encourage the one who is too tired to climb. Communication and incorporation are topics all along. Finally, when we mount the peak and overlook, we are excited, and I always have an illusion that the world is under my foot, and the pressure or vexation like clouds are blew blown away. ┏ ^ω^=??01 您可能感兴趣的内容



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