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写一篇作文 阐述人们在找工作时要考虑的一些因素 并解释其原因急用 如题 要求100

2020-09-25 05:40:01

At present, i am sympathetic with the college students about job hunting.they stepped into the holy college campus with their fantasy, and work hard day and night to their nice future.whats more, most of students also got an opportunity to further study as a postgraduate.although the parent has a great ages and have should enjoyed living depending on their children,they had to keep working to provide the expensive tuition for children.the parent hope that the students will can get a good job after graduated so as to change the present poor situation.However, to their surprise, there was so grave difficulty in job hunting beyond their dreams. The cause of not getting an ideal job mainly stem from the followed factors.lots of colleges have extended their students limitlessly without referring to the societal requirement.the more and more students seems to become an irrelated person with society.the companys director complains that the graduates often have a exorbitantexpectation for their job.However, it is understandable very much that they spent more than twenty years on studying on campus,and they think they nearly use their half of living times to exchange a better job, have they some mistake?on the contrary, they also consider the the companies were particular to the graduates. The depressed students and disappointed units get into a stalemate. the goverment still has implemented their policy in spit of these situation.for the college students, where they will go?LZ,希望能帮到你!God bless you!

写一篇作文 阐述人们在找工作时要考虑的一些因素 并解释其原因急用 如题 要求100到120词!英语作文 忘了说了



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