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2020-09-25 12:00:01

距离还有半个月,是时候检验考生的水平了,作文要求考生基本功扎实,所以考生要大量积累作文写作方向及素材。小编分享 2020考研英语作文写作方向及素材:中国农民收入增加 ,希望能对各位不扎实的基本功有所补救。




According to the figures given by the graph, the Chinese farmers personal income rose steadily from 1970 to 1990. In the ddle of 1970 s their income was rather low. Their annual personal income was about 180 yuan. But in 1980 the average personal income increased approximately 50%, reaching 270 yuan. As is shown by the graph, in 1985 their income doubled, amounting to 540 yuan. After that there was a consistent tendency for income to grow. In a word, during the period of 20 years the farmers income had gone up rapidly.

There were two reasons for the increase in the farmers income in China. Firstly, the Chinese government had been carrying out a reform and opening policy. A large number of county run enterprises had been set up in the rural areas. Secondly, a significant reform of agricultural policy had been carried out in China. The Party s policy had brought farmers initiative into full play. As a result, the agricultural output had been on the rise all the time. All these factors resulted in the steady growth of farmers income.

I believe that with a series of agricultural policies being carried out, there will be even more rapid development in China s agriculture. There is no doubt that the farmers living standard will be improved to a great extent. 220 words



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