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哪位高手能帮我用英语写一篇200字的英语作文。 题目是 从小到大印象最深刻的事 最

2020-09-26 18:55:01

An Unforgettable ThingThis thing happened when I entered the college gate the first time.I was called to participate in an English corner because I was a member of English lover association.At about 6:30 I set out to the century square with a very happy but nervous mood. Why am I very happy? Because it was the first time I went to the English corner, I could meet a lot of new classmates and make friends with them. So why did I feel nervous? It is also because of my first time going to English corner, I was afraid I could not get well along with students and express myself clearly.When I arrived at the square, there were so many people there. Then the chairman of our club asked us to stand in line, I did as they require, later we were divided into five parts, I was still a little bit of nervous. after we found a place to have a sit together, we were suggested to introduce ourselves together. Soon it was my turn to have a introduction. I tried to organize my words, but it’s absolutely strange that I couldn’t just say a word from my mouth, I felt ashamed.Then the chairman of our club told us there would be a mysterious thing took place later, I guessed what would occurred. Ten minutes later, five foreign teachers were standing in front of us , I was absolutely very surprised.We started to have a chat with one of foreigners called David. With the chat going on, I began to devote myself into the atmosphere, first I expressed myself a few words, later with more words, at last I enjoy every minute with the foreign teacher.I really start to enjoy the feeling that I defend myself after this experience. It tells me things do not seem that difficult as we can image. You can get something useful as long as you act from now on.

哪位高手能帮我用英语写一篇200字的英语作文。 题目是 从小到大印象最深刻的事 最好能是自己写的 真实一



我的书房作文400字 厚积薄发作文素材 出发与到达作文 以回忆为话题的作文 关于端午的作文题目 你是我最敬佩的人作文 温暖的瞬间作文600字 写一篇关于风景的作文 关于写景的作文400字 关于美食的作文300字 写物的作文100字 描写春天的作文100字 以月亮为主题的作文 沿途的风景作文600字 为别人喝彩的作文 越长大越什么作文 带着微笑前行作文 元宵节英语作文带翻译 写景作文400字五年级 妈妈真好作文400字 我家的小猫作文400字 创新作文大赛范文 挠男孩脚心作文 顶鸡蛋作文 被后妈打屁股作文 她笑了作文600字 为环卫工人点赞作文 六级作文评分标准 我的愿望200字作文 我的童年往事作文