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2020-09-26 22:15:01

保护环境The Earth is like our mother.She gives live to all the living things on the Earth.And she provice us with air、food、water and other things we need for living.Once she was beautiful ahd rich.But mow she is crying,becacuse she is becoming dirtier and dirtier ,poorer and poorer.Its our duty to protect our Earth.So we must stop pollution,plant more trees and keep our enviroment clean.The Earth is our only home.Its very important to take good care of her.Saving the Earth is to save ourself. 世博会志愿I really hope to be a volunteer for the EXPO.If I am a volunteer,i will treat every visitor politely and make a good impression on them.Its important to smile to others.Besides,i will try my best to study English well and improve my spoken English so that i can commuicate better with the foreign friends. I will also intrduce Shang Hai to the visitors and help them know more about our the Shang Hai EXPO culture,food and people.



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