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2020-09-26 22:35:01

名人对我们有很大的影响。很多人会用名人名言来当做自己的人生格言。在英语中也有关于写名人的作文题材,那你想知道写名人的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些写名人的英语作文100词,大家一起来看看吧! ??

写名人的英语作文100词篇一: ??

In Chinas flier Liu Xiang name origin Original name Liu Xiang originally should be called Liu Ji , because at that time was popular fathers surname takes the surname, mothers surname takes. The Liu Xiang fathers name is Liu Xuegen, the mother to be called the lucky powder to be colored., but Liu Jis standard spoken Chinese pronunciation likely fails a grade, therefore is overruled by the relative. After that Uncle Liu Xiangs and uncle proposed the Liu Qiang name, hoped his body is strong, but was opposed by the Liu Xiang mother, because at that time lived in their family nearby child calls “”, is child who is not obedient. To finally, uncle proposed Liu Xiangs name, “flies in circles” and “strong” pronounces similarly in the Shanghai dialect, in addition “flies in circles” has the soaring and the propitious meaning, therefore, Liu Xiang this name established finally. ??

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