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有没有英语高手的进作文的假定你叫阳阳 家住在北京新华路5号.请用英语给你的美国朋友

2020-09-26 22:45:01

Dear Mike,Thank you for your letter. I feel so glad to know that your football team won the champion. Wish you can try your best and win more and more games.I move into my new home now. Its a nice place at Xinhua road No.5 at Beijing. I hope that one day you can be a guest in my new house.Last weekend, I invented some foreigners to my home and had a wonderful dinner. After that we talked about their parents.Wish you can write to me soon.Best wishes! Love, Yangyang

有没有英语高手的进作文的假定你叫阳阳 家住在北京新华路5号.请用英语给你的美国朋友Mike写一封信.1从信封中得知Mike所在的足球队获胜的消息非常高兴 希望他能继续努力2你搬进了新家3



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