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2020-09-26 22:45:01

优质文档在您身边/双击可除 小学生英语作文精选多篇 第一篇:小学生英语作文 小学生英语作文 my pet (我的宠物) my pet is a toy bear. his name is small white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too. he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading. when i am unhappy, he accompanies me. he is my good friend. (我的宠物是一只玩具熊。他的名字是小白。他是白色的。他有蓝色的眼睛跟白 色的耳朵。他的手和脚也是蓝色的。他喜欢对我做鬼脸。他喜欢读书。当我不开 心时,他陪伴着我。他是我的好朋友。) my chinese teacher (我的语文老师) i have a chinese teacher. her name is li u xiaohong. she is from lanchang. she’s very active and strict. she has two big eyes. she’s very nice.but she is short.her class is very funny, i like her. (我有一个语文老师。她的名字叫刘晓红。她来自南昌。她既活跃又严格。她有 两只大眼睛。她很好。但是她比较矮。她喜欢笑。我不知道她喜欢什么季节。因 为我对她不是很了解。她的课上得很有趣。我喜欢她。) my teacher (我的老师) my teacher is thirty six.she is a very beautiful woman.she has black hair,big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.she is very kind. she often plays games with us.she teaches us english.i like her very much. (我的老师 36 岁。她是一个漂亮的女人。她有黑色的头发,大眼睛,小鼻子和 小嘴巴。她对我们很友善。她经常跟我们玩游戏。她教会我们英语。我非常喜欢 她) 第二篇:如何写好小学生英语作文 如何写好小学生英语作文 英语写作是言语使用的一个紧要方面,也是言语才能测定的紧要手腕,权衡小学 生英语写作程度的规 是看其能否能用学过的言语资料,语法知识等用文字的方 式来表达描绘。 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的根底,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭言语的才 优质文档在您身边/双击可除 能也就越强。因此要写好英语先要读好英语,在言语学习方面狠下苦功,教科书 要读透,由于教科书中的文章都是少许很好的范文,文笔流利,言语标准,出色 的少许课文段落要背诵。 其次,要增强练词造句的锻练。词句对作文十分于造房的资料,小学生英语口语 练习无好资料就造不出好房子。平常在学习阅读时要留意搜集积聚,把好的词语、 短语、句型做好笔记。 还有,要理解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。能够先看一本说明英语写作入门的书, 对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎样写谈论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如 何确定重心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何按照不同身份写不同完毕语等,接着 按照不同的体裁实行写作练习。 总之,平常学习言语素材积聚多了,体裁格式记住了又常常练习不停进步,到作 文下笔时就会随心所欲,瓜熟蒂落。 第三篇:小学生英语作文 last year,i went to beidai riuer with my father and mother.we went there by train.first,i ate on ice cream.it was good.i saw the big sea.then,i swam in the sea,and the sea was very cold.at last,i went to the hotel.i had a happy day. 第四篇:小学生英语作文范文 小学英语毕业考必背英语作文 mybedroom hi, my name is anne. look, this is my bedroom.it’s small but nice. i have a big请勿抄 袭好范 文网: bed and it is very soft . there is a toy dog on the bed . i have a small desk and i usually do my homework there. in the corner, there is a shelf. there are a lot of books on it. i often clean my room。i love it very much.how about you? alovely pig i have a toy pig. it was very lovely. the pig wears a blue dress. her face is pink. her eyes are black. her mouth is small and red. her two ears are very big. they look like two fans. she looks very happy. so i think she must be a happy “pig“. my father and mother i have a busy father and a kind mother. my father is a teather. he is 42 years old. he is short.



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