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2020-09-26 22:55:01

写小狗的英语作文50字(带翻译) >>> 写小狗的英语作文50字(带翻译)

2018 02 05

导语:小狗的性格非常温和。如果你对它好,它就会用头顶你的腿,好像是在向你撒娇;可是如果是陌生人来到它的家里,它仍会 汪汪 地叫个不停,甚至会扑到你身上咬伤你的。下面是yjbs网小编为您收集整理的作文,欢迎大家阅读!


The dog can be more life habits, it especially likes to eat bones and fish. As long as you are gentle to it, it is very good for you.

The Spring Festival I went to grandma s house to play, I entered the courtyard, he saw a small dog. It slants thin, dressed in a black and white clothes . Short legs, weenose eyes, pianpian nose, small mouth, very cute. My foot into the door, it is woof, woof, woof... And called up, like eat me. I hurriedly back a few steps, frighten me out in a cold sweat. My grandma picked the dog up, I quickly into the home, the dog is staring at me, is not very friendly.

The dinner, the first thing I eat a bowl of bone for the dog, the dog looked at me, straight wagged his tail, as if to say: thank you! It looked down with relish chew up the bones. I thought, this little guy is greedy. You don t want to eat the bones to bite me again! Moments later, the dog bone is finished, licking his mouth with his tongue, my legs with teeth, as if to say: give me a piece of bone, ok? Only in my bowl of rice, had to give it a little rice, but he was disappointed to go smell.

After I feed the bones, the puppy is very friendly to me. Once, when I was writing assignments, it s familiar voice heard again, running to me, as if to say: small host, we play together? He saw that I don t promise, he jumped on the table and smell here, smell there, can t, I have to pack up the book to play with it, it jumped up.

I have a new friend!


春节我去奶奶家玩,我一进大院,就看见一只小花狗。它偏瘦,穿着一身黑白相间的 衣服 。短短的腿,黑溜溜的眼睛,扁扁的鼻子,小巧玲珑的嘴,非常可爱。我的脚刚刚迈进门,它就 汪、汪、汪 地叫了起来,好像要把我 吃 似的。我连忙退了几步,吓得我出了一身冷汗。我奶奶把狗抱起来,我快速进了家,小狗还在盯着我,很不友好的样子。

开饭了,我首先把碗里的骨头给小狗吃,小狗看了看我,直摇尾巴,好像在说: 谢谢你! 它低下头津津有味地啃起了骨头。我心想:这小家伙真贪吃。下次再咬我你别想吃骨头了!不一会儿,小狗的骨头吃完了,用舌头舔舔嘴巴,用牙齿咬住我的裤腿,好像在说: 再给我一块骨头,好吗? 我的碗里只剩下米饭了,只好给它一点米饭,可是,他闻一闻就失望地走了。

从我喂了骨头以后,小狗对我很友好。有一次,我在写作业,它那熟悉的声音又传来了,跑到我身边叫了几声,好像在说: 小主人,我们一起玩行吗? 他见我不答应,就跳在桌子上,闻闻这儿,闻闻那儿,没办法,我只好收起书本与它玩,它高兴的跳了起来。



Dog is a loyal animal, it is never too poor to love rich, not like cats, who is warm, good, young and ran who, so you would like to ask what is my favorite animal, I would definitely say: the dog !

Types have a lot of dogs, such as pug, gold dog... , their color is different, such as pure white, pure black, I like the black and white pug.

Remember once, we have a dog home miserable cried, the dog seems a stray dog, I pity it, want to hold it back home, but mother said no, I had to go home. But I just open the door, the dog is like lightning sneak into our home, mom wants to throw it out, I block in front of mother, don t let her catch, mother but under had to don t catch.

I want to give the dog something to eat, at that moment, the house fly a fly, I held up plastic bottles thrown in the past, and missed it, got off! I hastened to pick up, at this time, the puppy like left arrow rushed over, picking up the bottle, ran to the front of me, give me the bottle, at the moment, the more I like the puppy.

The puppy will play together with me later. When I write my homework, it always to climb on the table, his tail, looked at me and really cute. Every day I come home from school, a dog ran intimacy that take the door with out my body, as if to say: welcome home .

When walking, the dog always ran in front of me, look at this for a while, for a while and look at that, far from me, it will stop. Because I sometimes like a naughty child, also hide and seek with me...

The puppy became my heart s best friend! I like it very much!

狗是一种忠厚老实的动物,它从不会嫌穷爱富,不像猫一样,谁家暖和,谁家好吃的多,就往谁家跑,所以要问我最喜欢什么动物,我会肯定地说: 小狗 !

狗的种类有很多,如哈巴狗、金丝狗 ,它们的颜色不同,有纯白色、纯黑色等,我最喜欢黑白相间的哈巴狗。



这只小狗以后就和我一起玩耍。当我写作业时,它总要爬到桌子上,摇摇尾巴,看着我,真可爱。每天我放学回家,一进门小狗就亲昵的跑来用身子蹭蹭我,好像在说: 欢迎你回家 。



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