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2020-09-26 23:35:01

verynice. littlecool. cansee brownleaves. likebutterflies canpick apples cantaste different fruits. canfly myfriend park.Autumn goodtime all 秋天很好。天气有点凉。我可以看到黄色和棕色的叶子。他们像树上的蝴蝶。我可以在花园里摘苹果。我可以品尝不同的水果。 我可以和我的朋友在公园里放风筝。秋天是所有人的好时光。 myschool. manyclassrooms manyofficesfor teachers verybig playground. We can play football bigclassroom building. We Wecan read book wecannot eat 欢迎来到我的学校。它很好也很大。在学校里,有许多教室供我们学习。有许多办公室供教师使用。有一个非常大的操场。我 们可以在那里踢足球。有一个大的教室建筑。我们在它。我们可 以在图书馆里看书,但我们不能在那里吃或喝。 MyClassroom myclassroom. big,bright, clean bigblackboard teacher’sdesk fortydesks myclassroom. lovemy classroom. canstudy canread writehere. canplay myclassmates here. cleanmy classroom every day. How clean niceplace 这是我的教室。它是大的,明亮的,干净的和漂亮的。前面有一块大黑板。还有一个在后面的白板。黑板前面有一个老师的桌 子。在我的教室里有四十张课桌和椅子。我爱我的教室。我可以 在它学习。我可以在这里读和写。我可以在这里和我的同学一起 玩。我每天打扫我的教室。它是多么干净!这是一个很好的地方 在学校。 MyClassroom mynice bigclassroom. thirdfloor classroombuilding. verybright, because hasmany windows. bigblackboard wall.Our teachers use teacher’sdesk computer.We can use classlibrary manybooks Wecan read books after class. thirtydesks myclassroom. verymuch. cleanevery day. 看看我的漂亮和大教室。它在教室大楼的第三层。它是非常明亮的,因为它有许多窗户。墙上有一块大黑板。我们的老师使用 它。黑板前面有一个老师的桌子。在它上,有一台电脑。我们可 以用它。教室的后面有一个类库。那里有许多书。下课后我们可 以看书。在我的教室里有三十张课桌和椅子。我很喜欢它。我每 天保持干净。 MyFavourite Place Myfavourite place playground.Look ourplayground. How big niceplace children.After class, we like playhere. We can run, play basketball, play jumpover bar.We can do many sports. ourhealth. oftenplay myfriends here after school. myfavourite place cando more exercises playground.我最喜欢的地方在学校(1) 我最喜欢的地方是在学校操场。看看我们的操场。它有多大!这是一个很好的地方,所有的孩子。下课后,我们喜欢在这里玩。 我们可以跑步,打篮球,玩跷跷板和跳杆。我们可以做许多运动。 他们对我们的健康有好处。放学后我经常和我的朋友们一起玩。 操场是我在学校最喜欢的地方。我希望我能在操场上做更多的练 Digitalproducts Nowadays,digital products enjoyinggrowing popularity among people. Take me firstthing doafter waking up mycell phone checkmy text messages latestnews. myIPod myway enjoywatching TV programs, weso fond thosedigital products? doingus good making our lives comfortable twokey factors represent newinventions modernage wideuse digitalproducts. 现在,数字化产品越来越得到大家的欢迎。以我为例,我醒来的第一件事是打开我的手机看看我的短信,读读最新的消息。然 后在上学的路上用我的iPod 听音乐。晚上,我会看电视或上网。 为什么我们会如此喜爱那些数字化产品呢?答案很简单。它们对我们有用 使我们的生活舒服、方便。这两个关键因素是摩登 时代新发明的趋势。 CanMoney Buy Happiness? Canmoney buy happiness?The answer varies among people. Some believe happiness,because money provides food hungry,medicine needy.While others hold evils,because lie,cheat, steal myopinion, money beingwell off, well being.Happiness 钱能买来幸福吗?答案因人而异。一些人认为钱是幸福之源,因为钱能为穷人提供食物、为病人提供医药、为需要帮助的人提 供衣服。而其他人则认为钱是罪恶之源,这是因为钱这个魔鬼驱 使一个人去说谎、偷盗,最糟糕的是谋杀。 我的观点是钱对幸福生活来说是必要的,但不是必须的。幸福是一种状态,不是可以用钱买的到的东西。 MyFavorite TV Program NewsBroadcast myfavorite TV program. hasbecome mylife because almost every day pm,watching CCTV newsprogram. dailynews brings me followingbenefits. Firstly, developsmy good language skills, proper pronunciation greaterknowledge newsaround world.Secondly, watching TV news familyopens discussionbetween family members widevariety topics.What more,sharing newshelps kids better understand helpsthem learn more differenceviews toughsituations all,watching newsprogram informative,communicative 联播是我喜欢的电视节目。这已经成为我生活中的一部分,因为我几乎每天都在晚上 点打开电视,观看中央电视台的节目。 每天看给我带来了以下好处:首先,它能帮助我学习良好的语言技能,标准的发音、大量的知识和对世界的理解。其 次,看电视为家庭讨论提供了广泛的话题。此外,还能帮助 孩子更好地理解他们居住的世界,帮助他们学习更多的不同观点, 以及如何面对艰苦的情况。总之,看是有教育意义的。 MyOpinion CellPhones Cellphones do play importantrole people’sdaily life, everycoin has its two sides. wirelessmobile phone, anytime contactothers. Secondly, helpfulcompanion. multifunctionalcell phone hand,one can easily surf net,downloading what he needs. cellphone has many disadvantages. onething, machineitself veryexpensive itslocal service verycostly, mentionits global service. radiationfrom mobilephones might do harm user’sheath. myopinion, itsexpenses being reduced sharply after China’s entry WTO,its development brighterfuture. Therefore its advantages faroutweigh its disadvantages. 首先,作为无线的手机,对使用者来说无论何时都可以与别人联系很方便。第二,它是一个有用的伴侣。一款多功能的手机在 手,人们可以方便得上网,需要的东西。 然而,手机也有很多缺点。其一,这部机器本身很贵,而且本地服务费也很贵,就更不用说全球服务了。其二,手机的辐射对 人体有害。 我认为,在中国加入WTO以后手机的费用会急剧下调,它的发 展也会面临更加光明的未来。所以它的优点多于缺点。 BadManners Althoughwe consider ourselves highlyadvanced being living civilizedsociety, bad manners can still foundhere example,some cyclists run redtraffic lights, many passengers litter waste papers plasticbags publicplaces, sometourists scrabble tourists’attractions, let alone spit cinema,some audiences talk loudly cellphones stronglyagainst talking loudly behaviorshows others;what’s worse, audiencewho havingfun. 虽然我们认为自己是生活在这个文明社会中的高级生物,但是不良举止行为仍到处可见。比如,骑自行车的人闯红灯,很多人 在公共场所乱扔废纸和塑料袋,一些游客在旅游景点乱涂乱画, 更不用说在大街上随地吐痰了。在电影院里,一些观众在他人面 前用手机大声讲话。 我强烈反对在电影院大声聊天,因为这一 行为对他人一点也不尊重,此外,还严重影响了其他观众看电影 的心情。 HelpMe SpokenEnglish Book Oct.16 2007 Dear Li Hua, longtime we haven’t seen each other. missyou very much. How’s everything going ambusy preparing wouldappreciate youcould help me buy PETS4 English oral textbook which BeijingPress, because bookswere sold out here. whenyou oftenthink thosehappy days we spent together when we were Pleaselet me know possibleonce you get Mybest wishes. Yourstruly, WangLei 李华: 你好!好久没见面了,非常想你。你一切都还好吧?我正忙于备战国家英语等级考试。 如果你能帮我买一本北京出版社出版的 国家英语等级考试的口语书我将不甚感激,因为这本书在我们这 儿已经脱销了。 MayDay Holiday April15, 2009 Dear Wang Hong: everythinggetting along almostone year since we graduated from university. missyou very much. What have you been doing all havebeen middleschool teacher myhometown since graduation. Teaching always keeps me busy, likemy students loveteaching, you know. So everything finehere. formerclassmates’ getting together during MayDay holiday myschool. mybest friend. neverforget those happy days we spent together. hopeyou cancome myschool attending amlooking forward yourreply. Yourstruly, LiHua 你一切都好吗?我们从大学毕业都快一年了。我很想念你。你最近在忙些什么? 毕业后,我在我们家乡当了一名中学教师。教学工作很忙,但是我喜欢我的学生和教书的工作。因此我这儿一切都好。这次五 一节期间在我们学校举办同学会。 你是我最好的朋友。我永远忘不了我们一起度过的愉快时光。我希望到时你有空的话能光临我们学校参加同学会。 Whilewe richfruits modernindustrialization, we losingsomething precious planet.Fresh water, among others, dwindlingdown day day,owing large scaleindustrialization everywhere world.Just life,so freshwater. Without fresh water, our human society would come freshwater importantresource humansociety, we need wetreasure our life, First,our government should have goodplan freshwater developindustries consumeless water. Second, waste water must recycled.Finally,everyone usshould do his bit savewater. 在我们享受现代工业化丰富成果的时候,我们也在丢失一些宝贵的东西。这些东西中就包括淡水,由于世界各地大规模的工业 化,它正在日益减少。就像阳光是生命的必须品一样,淡水也是 生命所需。没有淡水,我们的人类社会将会终止。 由于淡水是人类社会的重要资源,我们应该向珍视生命那样珍视它,但是要怎样来保护它呢? 首先,政府应该合理规划淡水使用以及发展那些用水少的工业。其次,要循环利用废水、污水;最后,我们每个人都要尽力节约 用水。 teenagerstake popmusic, lovebasketball. mylife. playbasketball mychildhood. stillremember goodold days when myclassmates after school. Later grewup, al most everything changed, sport playingbasketball remained mylove greweven stronger. sportbecause bringsjoys mylife. When gottired from office work, sportsground feltrefreshed. wereworries caresfrom daily life. sportsground. everythingwent away except basketball. keepsme goodshape 就像很多年轻人喜欢流行音乐一样,我喜欢篮球。这是我生活的一部分。我从孩提时代开始就打篮球了。我至今仍记得那些放 学后和同学一起打球的旧日好时光。后来,当我慢慢长大,几乎 所有的事情都改变了,除了篮球这项运动,它仍然是我的所爱, 而且我对它的爱与日俱增。 我喜欢这项运动是因为它给我的生活带来欢乐和健康。当我厌倦了办公室工作,我来到运动场并感到精力很快恢复了。如果日 常生活给我带来了烦恼和顾虑,我来到运动场。在那里,除了篮 球,所有的一切都离我远去。是篮球让我保持了好心情和好体型。 BestPolicy(诚实至上) Englishsaying “Honesty bestpolicy.” tellsus honesty,you can get along well winfriendship, because return.When you comfortyou. When you helpyou. Without honesty, trustyou, youwon’t have friends,so you feellonely. MyTravel Plan(我的旅行计划) liketraveling very much. National Holiday comingsoon. wouldlike HongKong myfamily. We would like myfirst visit HongKong, although my aunt lives HongKong manyyears. We plan days.During my stay wouldgo famousOcean Park HongKong Disneyland. canhave goodtime MyFamily 我的家人 MyFamily Life sevenpeople myfamily. They’re my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers Myfather businessman.He’s busy working everyday. My mother housewife.She cooks meals, washes clothes, teachesus lessons everyday. One myyounger brothers juniorhigh school student, wego sameschool. My grandparents help my parents look after youngestbrother everyday. We go moviesevery Sunday. How’s your family? MyEnglish name fromChina. alwayswear green whiteshirt bluetrousers. havebig eyes、small mouth smallnose. Myfavorite sports tennis,Ping Pong running.My favorite subject likeeating apple cake.My favorites drink coke,milk me,we can become good friend? 我的英语名字叫Sally。我来自中国,我是中国人。我经常穿绿 白相间的衬衫和蓝色裤子。我有一双大眼睛、小嘴巴和小鼻子。 我最喜欢的运动是网球,乒乓球和跑步。我最喜欢的科目是英语。我喜欢吃苹果和蛋糕。我最喜欢的饮料是可乐,牛奶和果汁。 (Myhome)我的家 Myname MaoJiayun. myhome. verynice. sixrooms threebedrooms, livingroom. twochairs threewindows myfather’s bedroom. threechairs myroom. You can see Grandma’sroom. livingroom, you can see fan,two lights, table,three sofas manybooks. Do you like my home? 班.看看!这是我的家。它不是很大,但它是非常好的。有六个房间,三个卧室,一个厨房,一 个卫生间和一个客厅。有一个电脑,床,椅子,桌子和三个窗户 在我父亲的卧室。有一幅画,一床,一个书架,一个桌子和三把 椅子放在我的房间。你可以看到一个图片,一个风扇和一架在外 婆的房间。在客厅里,你可以看到一个图片,一个风扇,两盏电 灯,电视,桌子,沙发和很多书三。你喜欢我的家吗? Dearfriend, Myname amfrom China. penpal am14 years old. myfamily. MY favorite subject science,because veryinteresting. likeplaying playingbasketball weekends.How about you? Can you write tellme something about yourself? 我的名字是莎莉。我来自中国。我想要一个笔友在澳大利亚。我14 岁了.我没有兄弟姐妹在 我的家人。我在学校最喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很有趣。我喜欢弹钢琴和打篮球在周末。你觉得呢?你可以写信告诉我你 自己的一些事情吗? 2、Myname WangLin penpal now14 years old speakChinese canspeak littleEnglish. likesports ,swimming myfavorite alsolike playing computergames Myfavorite subject myfriends. My favorite movie myparents Canyou write mesoon 2、我的名字是王麟。我现在住在杭州,中国。我想找一个英国的笔友。我现在已经14 岁了。我讲中文。我能说一点英语。我喜 欢运动,游泳是我最喜欢的。我也喜欢玩电脑游戏。我在学校最 喜欢的科目是数学。我喜欢和我的朋友去看电影。我最喜欢的电 影是美女与野兽。现在我和我的父母住在一起。 你能尽快给我写 goodfriend, his name Bill.He fromSydney, Australia. Now he lives hisparents. He 14years old hisbirthday October.He speaks English hecan speak littleChinese. He has lots Beijing.He often plays soccer after school hisfavorite sport. He likes Chinese



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