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用英语五种基本句型介绍自己作文 介绍自己.

2020-09-27 00:25:01

I am ×× and I am from×× City,×× Province.I am a student at ×× middle school.I am in Class ×,Grade ×.There are ×× students in our class.主系表 I have studied English for × years and I like it very much 主谓宾 .My English teacher is Miss.She teaches us many things about English.She often tells us interesting English stories 主谓双宾语. ×× is my friend.He sits beside me at the same desk.We always go to school and play together.主谓 English makes me know many things.主谓复合宾语 My parents are very strict with me.They hope that I can earn my own living [自食其力],so I have to review my lessons late at night after school.



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