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2020-09-27 02:40:01


九年级作文1 How was flying disk invented?

A flying disk is actually a kind of toy,.It’s made of metal.It was back in the 1950s.In Bridgesport, Conneticut, a group of college students came into a bakery to eat some apple pies.After eating the apple pies, they felt bored, so they wanted to play a game.They threw the plates here and there.In this way, the flying disk came into being.appeared,occurred So far, the flying disk has continued to be played.Even there are some flying disk magazines, clubs and festival around the world.

2 Abacus

Abacus is a kind ofancient calculator.it ‘s used for counting the numbers. It was invented in the sixth century in China. It’s a most useful tool before the computer was invented.It has a long history .In our school,we need to learn how to operate the abacus.Many students have the skills to use the abacus quickly.It’s convenient to work out numbers.

3 Cameras

A camera is used for taking photos.They were invented in 1827 by Joseph in Italy.It’s often used by the photograghers to take pictures.When you travel around the world, you can take it with you.There are many fascinating pictures to be taken in order to help you to rememder the beautiful views.

4The binoculars

The binoculars were invented in 1854 by Ignatio Porro in Italy.They were important to be used in the war.They can make you see the things far away.They were useful in the daily life. 5 Umbrella

An umbrella is a most useful tool.It was invented over 4000 years ago. It was invented by Assyria,China and Egypt.It’s used for keeping the rain out.When the sun is shinning in the sky,an umbrella is also used to keep the sun out. It is still used today.An umbella is popular with the women,especially.

6 Bikes

A bike is a very useful tool in the world today. It is very convenient to ride a bike to anywhere you want to go.It is very cheap to travel on your bike.There is no need to worry about how much money you would liketo spend on bikes.You can enjoy the beatiful sunshine in autumn and you can share the cool fresh air in summer. It is quite a pleasant trip to take a trip by bike.Riding a bike is good to the environment.

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  1. 2021-08-09 06:51毋庸置疑[江西省网友]IP:1730903727
  2. 2020-03-18 05:54梦昔彼谈[湖南省网友]IP:1742749489


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