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英语作文My hoilday .用现在完成时态写.80字左右

2020-09-27 02:45:02


Two weeks ago I came back from holiday.I had gone to Turkey.The weather was great albeit I was imprisoned in the hotel for two days becouse of heavy rain.At the beggining I though that I could not abide staying at the hotel for two days.However when I started getting acquainted with other holidaymakers I totally forgot about the bad weather condition and all my negative attitude just gone.The gruop of my new friends agumented hour by hour.When somebody offered me a drink my answer was always affirmative.Eventually I ended up at different rooms each night.In the last three days the weather forecast was absolutley wonderful.So my friends and me planned a trip to the local market in order to buy some souvenirs.When we reached our destination the most astonish think for me was that I had to bargain over the price about every product.Before arriving to the hotel we had eaten at a restaurant.I ordered helping of stawed vegetables,which tasted lovely,and lamb with bland taste.At the airport each of us exchanged phone numbers with each other and now I am looking forward to seeing them again



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