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2020-09-27 10:00:01

任务呈现 假设你是李华,你作为交换生在英国学习期间寄宿在Wilson家,如今你已回国,安全到家。请你根据下表内容给Wilson夫妇写一封感谢信。 生活上,Wilson一家为你提供了舒适的居住条件和可口的饭菜。 学习上, Wilson夫妇经常帮助你练习口语,并且加深了你对英国文化的了解。 此外,你们还成为了好朋友,而且他们也爱上了中国文化,这些给你的留学生活留下了美好的回忆。 感谢信 Letter of Thanks 写作格式 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 Vocabulary:感谢 v. thank, appreciate; n. thanks, gratitude, appreciation; adj. thankful, grateful, appreciative. owe v. 欠债, 感激 / indebt [?n?det] v. 负债, 蒙受恩惠 obliged [??bla?d?d] adj. 感激的 感谢信 Letter of Thanks 短语:因…而感激sb. thank you for … appreciate one’s doing … be grateful/thankful to sb. for … many thanks for … express my thanks/gratitude for … owe sb. a lot for … be indebted to sb. for … 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 常用句式 I am writing this letter to thank you for … I am writing to express my sincere thanks for … I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt adj. 衷心的 thanks to you for… With deepest gratitude I write you this letter for … I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for … I am obliged to you for / I owe you a great deal for … 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 常用句式 It was nice/kind/thoughtful adj. 考虑周到的 of you to.. [?h?sp??t?l?ti] Thank you very much for your kind hospitality n. 好客, 热情招待 and the honor you showed me during my visit… It was your kind help that … 强调句型 If it had not been for your help/guidance/ assistance, I wouldn’t have won the prize 虚拟语气 But for/Without … 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 常用句式 indebted [?n?det?d] adj.负债的; 感激的; 受惠的; Thanks again for your generous help. I appreciate it more than I can say. My true gratitude is beyond description. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really do not know how to thank you enough for your help. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget. Nothing could ever return the favor you gave me. 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 常用句式 Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I could do to pay you back 回报. Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want 虚拟语气倒装 me to do something for you… Please do allow me to return your favor 报答 Best wishes for your health and every happiness. Example 假如你是一名失学儿童,名叫李华,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr. Brown的资助,可以重返校园。你给Mr. Brown写了一封信,内容如下: ★ 收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激; ★ 在老师的帮助下,学习有了很大的进步,受到老师的表扬和鼓励; ★ 决心更加努力学习,取得更大的进步; ★ 盼望见到Mr. Brown,希望他寄来一张照片。 注意:1. 书信应包括以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2. 词数:100左右 C E Translation Dear Mr. Brown, 我写这封信是为了表达我最深厚的感激之情 for the money and books you sent me. 如果没有您 的帮助我不可能回到学校. Thank you so much. 我一直很努力学习 since I went back to school. 在老师的帮助下我取得了很大的进步. They often praise me and encourage me. 要不是您 的帮助我可能已经离开学校了 and couldn’t have got such a good education. 我已经下定决心要更 加努力学习并取得更大的进步。 Example 您的工作和生活是否顺利? I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so. Would you please send mea photo of yourself? 再次感谢您慷慨的帮助并祝你万事如意! Yours Sincerely, Li Hua Example Dear Mr. Brown, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me. I could not have returned to school without your help. Thank you so much. I have been working hard since I went back to school. I have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers. They often praise me and encourage me. But for your help, I might have left school and couldn’t have got such a good Example education. I have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress. How are you getting on with your life and work? I would like to meet you in person, but I have no opportunity to do so. Would you please send me a photo of yourself? Thank you again for your generous help and best wishes! Yours Sincerely, Li Hua Para1 (2 3句话):问候 已回国,安全到家 Para2 感谢理由 Para3 结尾(2句话)感激 祝福或邀请 一 .审题:确定体裁,人称和时态。 体裁: 人称: 时态: 二.构思要点:词汇和句式。 生活上的照顾: 2. 学习上的帮助: 3.希望保持联系: 感谢信 第一人称 I 一般过去时 多亏你的帮助,我习惯了那里的生活。 你为我做好吃的,提供舒适的房间。 你经常用英语和我交谈,提高了我的英语口语。 thanks to be/get used to prepare sth. for sb. provide sb. with sth. chat / talk with sb. communicate with sb. 我还了解了你们国家的文化。 learn more about / have a good knowledge of 希望保持联系,盼望你来中国。 stay/keep in touch with sb. look forward to your coming to … Dear Mr. Wilson, I ve arrived home safe and round. I’m writing to thank you for your hospitality and selfless help. During my stay, you provided me with comfortable living conditions and delicious meals, which made my life here really like at home. Besides, everyone in your family often helped me with my oral English and I’ve learned more about your English culture. What’s more, you treated me as a real friend and your interest in Chinese culture gave us so many topics in our communication. All these will become my precious memory. looking forward to your coming to China in the near future. Best wishes yours, Li Hua Dear Mr. Wilson, Time flies! I ve been back home. How I miss the days we spent together! All I saw and experienced will be part of my memory. It was your help and kindness that made my study and life in the UK special and enjoyable. Thanks to your help, I got used to the life there soon. I still miss the delicious meals you prepared for me. Besides, I really appreciate your patience while talking with me. It was a wonderful time for me to improve my spoken English. In addition, I also learned a lot about your country and the English culture. I hope we can stay in touch with each other. I am looking forward to your coming to China in the near future. Best wishes for your health and every happiness, Li Hua



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