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雅思写作discussion类题目 做自己才能拿高分

2020-09-27 10:15:01

在雅思写作的题型中discussion是一种出现频率非常高的题型,此类题通常的出题形式是Some people think... Others...Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Some people和others的阵营我们往往必然会同意一方,或者是双方都同意,。怎样解此类考题呢?来看看新东方在线谢爽老师的经验。 对于discussion类考题,许多同学会认为双方都同意会比较好写,因为可以两个阵营的看法分别分析,再写一段混合作用,相互影响的段落作为自己的看法,这样看起来结构整齐,条理清晰,还不用愁字数的问题。但事实上想拿高分却并没有这么简单。 雅思考试是一个不同于国内传统的英语考试的语言水平测试,题目的设置确实遵循了检验考生语言水平的目标,但是其中的写作和口语部分也体现了西方民主文化的气息。在这两个部分中,除了过硬的英语基础,考官同时也期待看到一个有见解,有逻辑,有想法的你,因此题目的设计有的时候会让我们之前的规划落空,因为那不是真实的我们——我们要做自己。 咱们一起来看两道非常有代表性的真题: C6 TEST2 Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified in other important professions.Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 咱们一起来看一下这道题,同一个人对于同一件事,应该是不太可能同时觉得“即公平又不公平”的,所以那种两个阵营分别说,最后再混合的办法肯定是行不通的了。那应该怎么写呢?答案其实很简单——做自己,具体操作方法为:想想反方的理由,写出相应的反驳路局主体段第一段;充分表达自己的想法主题段第二段。大家看看P164页考官的范文,感觉一下,是不是读起来很痛快呢;或者你会很气愤,随时欢迎有不同看法的同学发送自己的文章给我们,你的论证也许比会考官更有力。 下面我们继续来看几道,更加民主的题目吧: 2016.03.19Some people think that governments should pay for people’s healthcare while others argue that it should be people’s own responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2015.12.19Some people think cultural traditions are destroyed when they are used as making money attraction to aim at tourists. Others think it is the only way to save them. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2015.10.24Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every way. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on children’s development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 看完你们怎么想,是不是都不同意,是不是两个阵营的都不同意?如果你也是这样,没关系,让我们一起来看看考官是怎么做到“做自己,拿高分的”: C6Test4: Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both view and give your own opinion. 我们现在来看一下考官的做法“However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that ‘change is always for the better’. 是不是很机智,而且很学术,大家直接拿去用吧“However, reaching the conclusion that +A阵营不对+is not the same as assuming that ‘B阵营就是完全正确的’” 最后,剩下的另外一种discussion 题型中的题目,就是完全符合大家美好规划的了,比如C7 Test1。大家可以重新刷刷discussion 的题目,在雅思备考中继续做那个有逻辑,有想法,有创意的自己吧。新东方在线祝大家考试顺利! 编辑推荐: 更多内容请关注,也可扫码关注我们的微信公共账号或加QQ群168861834。 (编辑:秦洁)



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