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2020-09-27 10:25:01



Question 2

Many people keep dogs and cats as companions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pet ownership for the animals involved and for the community as a whole.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant ideas from your own. knowledge or experience

Key words analysis

?? companion: 同伴,如表示动作的话可以用company with

?? ownership: 所有权

?? involved: 包含


?? 这是属于议论文中的comparison类型,需要学生从正反两面进行回答,所以在构文时,可采用4段式,用一段写优点,一段写缺点。

Possible advantages:

?? 给人们以陪伴,使人的心灵得到安慰

?? 可以使人们更加的快乐和健康

Possible disadvantages:

?? 宠物越来越多,卫生方面容易引起问题

?? 被遗弃的宠物会对社区造成负担

Model Essay 1 – Part 1


Dogs and cats can be wonderful companions but there are also a number of problems associated with pet ownership, both for the animals and for the community.

Main body 1

In the best situations pets are fed, cared for and loved as part of a family. It is easy to see how much attention is given to pets, by the range of products available in the pet section of supermarkets. In return, cats and dogs contribute to the well being of the community in many ways. Dogs are useful for protection and serve as guides for the disabled. People with pets are not only happier and healthier, but may even live longer. Thus the animals benefit individuals and the community as well.

Model Essay 1 – Part 2

Main body 2

There are, however, also negative aspects for the pets and for the community. The freedoms of both dogs and cats are increasingly restricted. In Australia there is community pressure to force owners to keep cats inside at night to protect native birds and animals. Dogs can no longer run free in parks and at the beach but must be kept on leads. These restrictions have been imposed by the community to protect the public. In addition pet owners are required to clean up after their dogs. Parks and beaches often provide plastic bags for this purpose. The community also has to pick up the costs of dogs and cats that have been abandoned by irresponsible owners.


5o the relationship between pets and the community is a complex one. More and more the community is intervening to force pet owners to restrict the activities and freedom of their pets. Still, responsible owners, prepared to give adequate time and attention to their cats and dogs, can give them a good and happy life.




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