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雅思小作文Task 1知识点讲解方法技巧总结原创

2020-09-27 13:10:01

1 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Task 1 分类、写作步骤及考点分析 Task 1 要求考生观察图表或一些数据(包括线图、表格、饼图和柱状图)并用自己的话介绍主要信息,考官通过考察考生组织,介绍和对比数据的能力来评定考生的英语水平。 学术类 Task 1 题型 Task 1 包括线图(graph)、饼图(pie chart)、柱状图(bar chart)、表格table、流程图process diagram、地图map Task 1 审题 和 Task 2 一样,Task 1 审题也非常重要。考生在审题时需要确定题型和时态,下面重点讲解如何确定时态: 通常情况下都可以根据图表或题目给定的时间确定时态,如果给出了过去的时间,那么文章就用过去时;给定将来的时间,那么就用将来时。在一些特殊情况下,如果图表和题目都没有给出明确的时间,那么就应该根据题目动词的时态来确定。例如剑 5 Test 2: The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers. 题干中动词 received,因此文章也要用过去时,与题干保持一致。 。 注意:不管文章最终确定使用什么时态,只要是图表做主语,这个句子都用一般现在时。 考点分析 (不同题型的特点) 在官方评分标准中 Task 2 的 Task Response 变成了 Task 1 的 Task Achievement,其余部分大致相同。Task Achievement 7 分对应的要求是: Presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages. Clearly presents and highlights key features/bullet points but could be more fully extended. 评分标准中 main trends, differences 以及 key features 包含以下要点: 动态图:起点、终点、转折点、交叉点、最显著的变化趋势、最大和最小值、等值(完全相同和非常接近的值)、倍数关系。 静态图:最大和最小值、等值(完全相同和非常接近的值)、倍数关系。 流程图:每一步流程、流程图的起始和结束、概括流程图的总步骤数。 地图:地图变化和地图中事物的相对位置(地理变迁题);候选地址相对位置的描写,以及候选地址各自的优缺点(选址题)。 2 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Task 1 Introduction 写作技巧 如何改写题目? ? Task 1 introduction 通常就是改写题目,下面通过对比两篇剑桥真题中提供的范文来总结一些常用的改写技巧。 例 例 1 (剑 8 Test 4 ): 题目:The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport. 学生改写: The graph illustrates the quantities of goods transported in the United Kingdom by four different modes of transport between the time period of 1974 and 2002. 对比题目和学生改写的 introduction 不难发现以下修改: 1 去掉了 below 2 shows 改成 illustrates 3 UK 改成全称 United Kingdom 4 between 1974 and 2002 增加了 the time period of 变成 between the time period of 1974 and 2002 以上 4 处改动大多数增减词汇和替换一些单词,整个句子结构并没有发生太大的变化,所以考官给了评语:The only thing that would improve this answer is an introduction to the topic that is not so closely copied from the prompt. 相似度太高! ! 下面,我们再研究一篇考官范文,看考官是如何改写题目的。 例 例 2 (剑 7 Test 2 ): 题目:The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. 考官改写: The graph illustrates changes in the amount of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004. 既然考官认为考生写的例 1 范文和题目太像,那么我们再来分析一篇考官写的introduction,看看考官都用到了哪些改写的方法? 对比题目和考官改写内容可以发现如下修改: 1 去掉了 below 2 shows 改成 illustrates 3 consumption 改成 changes consumed 结构改写 4 some different kinds of meat(概括性名词)改成 beef, lamb, chicken, fish 5 增加 particular 表特指 3 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 前两处改写和考生改写完全相同,第 4,5 两处改写也仅仅是替换或是增加了词汇,整个句子结构并没有发生变化,但是第 3 处改写将名词 consumption 改成了过去分词consumed 做后置定语,使得句子结构局部发生了变化。由此可见,使句子结构改变的改写更能体现作者的语言组织能力,也更容易获得考官的青睐。 注意! 不要用下面的词 替换题目中的 show, , 只 要我们查看一下它们的英文含义便可明白: 1. Demonstrate ?? to show something clearly by giving proof of evidence 证明;证实 ?? to show by your actions that you have a particular quality, feeling or opinion 表达;表露 ?? to show and explain how something works or how to do something 示范;演示 2. Describe: ?? to say what somebody or something is like 描述;形容 ?? to make a movement which has a particular shape 做 运动;画出 图形 3. Depict: ?? to show an image of somebody or something in a picture 描绘;描画 ?? to describe something in words, or give an impression of something in words or with a picture 描写;描述;刻画 例 例 1 和例 2 用到的改写方法包括两种:1. 一般改写;2. 结构改写,以下是两种改写技巧的总结: 一般改写: 1 去掉 below 或其他方位词 2 替换表示 显示 的词:建议静态图用 illustrate, show, compare 3 国家名改写(全称改缩写;缩写改全称) The UK=the United Kingdom The UAS=the United States of America 4 概括性名词 具体化 5 改变 时间 的表达 between and = from to 6 替换同义词 7 增加限定词 结构性改写: 题目:The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. a How much) 句型(万能句型): 改写:The charts show how much a UK school spent on different running costs in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001. 4 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 b 改变词性: The charts show the funds of a UK school spent on different aspects in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001. 5 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 细节段detail paragraph 写作 技巧 静态图多以表格,饼图和柱形图的形式出现,这些图形的特点是数据多,需要考生在写作时有所取舍。表格题是考生的难点,因为表格类题型数据不仅多而且毫无规律,这时需要选取特征数据同时忽略非特征数据进行描写,以避免为追求 面面俱到 而造成文章字数太多。任务 1 以剑 5 Test 4 为例讲解。 如何分段? Task 1 描写数据的细节段必须分段。分段的依据很多,常见的分段依据主要有: 图表个数、 项目种类、 时间及 变化趋势等,有些考题有多种分段方式,只要符合逻辑描写清楚就可以了。这里归纳一些剑桥系列真题考官范文的分段依据: 1. 按图表分:剑 6 Test 1 Page 161,剑 10 Test 2 Page 163 2. 按项目种类分:剑 7 Test 4 Page 168,剑 9 Test 2 Page 164 3. 按变化趋势分:剑 7 Test 2 Page 164 4. 按时间分:剑 5 Test 1 Page 162 5. 上述特征都没有的话按照数据的高、中、低分:剑 4 Test 1 Page 162 动态图和静态图 细节段写作技巧 细节描写段的写作:总 分结构,即细节段的首句是总体描写,之后进行细节描写。 动态图:主体段的首句既可以概括图形中的整体变化趋势(是整体上升,下降还是波动),也可以概括图形里哪一类数据整体上高于或低于其他各类数据。 ?? 概括某类数据整体上最高: Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agriculture purposes, and this increased dramatically from about 500 km to around 3,000 km 3 in the year 2000. 剑 6 Test 1 In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. 剑 7 Test 2 ?? 概括图形中的整体趋势: The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend. 剑 7 Test 2 静态图:主体段的首句可以概括图形中包括哪几类数据,也可以概括图形里哪一类数据整体上高于或低于其他的各类数据。 ?? 概括某类数据最少: The proportion of families composed of aged people living in poverty was comparatively low, with 4% 48,000, as for single aged person it was recorded at 6% 54,000. In addition, although the total number of impoverished couples without children was far higher at 211,000, they only made up 7% of all families living in poverty. 剑 4 Test 1 6 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 结尾段 写作原则 复述图表最显著的特点、趋势,不要写任何细节数据或新的内容。 静态图 main features 的选择 The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. City Date opened Kilometres of route Passengers per year in millions London 1863 394 775 Paris 1900 199 1191 Tokyo 1927 155 1927 Washington DC 1976 126 144 Kyoto 1981 11 45 Los Angeles 2001 28 50 表格给出了 6 个城市地铁开通的年份,线路里程以及每年运送的旅客人数,这三个项目可以分别写一段。 静态图必须描写的特征数据包括:最大值、最小值、等值及倍数。 本题只需描写最大值和最小值, 对于非特征数据可以概括性描写, 同时每个城市之间再进行纵向对比就可以了。题目和表格都没有给出具体的时间,也没有提示时态的动词,因此用一般现在时。 The table compares the opening date, extent of route, and number of passengers served per year of the underground railway systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles. Introduction 改写了概括性名词 information 和 six cities 。静态图以描写对比为主,所以可以用 compare 替换 give 。 It can be seen that the metro was introduced the earliest and the latest in London and Los Angeles in 1863 and 2001 respectively, and was established in different years in the 20th century in the remaining four cities. Body paragraph 1 描写地铁开通的时间,用最高级对比了开通最早的 London 地铁( 1863 )和最晚的 Los Angeles 地铁( 2001 ),其他四座城市用 established in different years in the 20th century 一笔带过。 In terms of the route length, it is 394 kilometres km in London and below 30 km in Kyoto 11 km and Los Angeles 28 km. The figures for other cities vary from 120 to 200 km. 7 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Body paragraph 2 描写运营里程,写到了里程最长的 London ( 394 km )和里程最短的 Kyoto( 11 km )。这里用到了一个小技巧,用 below 30 km 和 394 km 对比,这样也就一并带出了Los Angeles ( 28 km )。 As for passengers, the subways of Tokyo hold the largest numbers of commuters annually at almost 2 billion, with London 775 million and Paris 1191 million following far behind. In comparison, the quantity of users of those in Kyoto is relatively minimal 45 million. Body paragraph 3 描写每年运送的旅客数,写到了旅客人数最多的 Tokyo ( almost 2 billion )和旅客数最少的 Kyoto ( 45 million )。 Overall, London has the oldest and longest subway system, while Tokyo receives the most travellers annually. By contrast, Kyoto has the shortest subway route and serves therefore the fewest customers. Overall 概括表格中最显著的特点: London 地铁最古老,运营里程最长; Tokyo 年运送旅客最多; Kyoto 地铁开通最晚,里程最短。 动态图 main features 的选择 The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 8 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004. 本文 introduction 的改写包括一般改写和结构改写两种改写技巧。一般改写包括:用illustrates 替换 shows ;概括性名词词组 some different kinds of meat 替换成细节 beef, lamb, chicken and fish 。结构性改写则是将名词 consumption 改成过去分词 consumed 做后置定语,从而使得 introduction 局部句子结构发生变化,展现了考生的语言组织能力。 In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities around 150 grams, while much less fish was consumed just over 50 grams. Detail paragraph 1 主要描写了起点的情况,首句用固定句型 by far 给出 beef 的消费量最高,紧接着介绍了两个相近的值( lamb 和 chicken ),最后给出最小值 fish ( just over 50 grams )。 However, during this 25 year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams, so although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most stable. Detail paragraph 2 主要写到了消费量呈下降趋势的 beef, lamb 和 fish ,本段主要介绍了它们的变化趋势和终点的数值。 The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week. Detail paragraph 3 描写了消费量呈上升趋势的 chicken ,其中,如下的表达技巧极其亮眼:1. On the other hand 做插入语; 2. Overtaking 动名词做伴随状语对主句进行补充说明。 Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period. Overview 选取了图表中最主要的信息: chicken 的消费量上升,其他三种肉类消费量下降。 9 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Task 1 衔接及段落过渡 连贯与衔接占 25%比重。一篇好的作文能将信息与观点进行有逻辑的排序,各种衔接手段运用得当,且能够合理地分段。本任务将讨论如何恰当使用衔接手段,将各种信息和段落有机地连接起来,从而清晰地推进行文的发展。 从 从 Introduction 过渡到 body paragraph 1 可使用的过渡词 如果图表中有非常显著的信息,那么可以用下面的词: As seen, It is obvious that It is evident from the chart/graph that 从整体概括句过渡到细节描写: In detail, To be specific, 细节描写时句子间的衔接: 1. 相似趋势 对比的连接词: Similarly, likewise, having the same trend 2. 相反趋势 对比的连接词 While, however, whereas, by/in contrast, on the contrary 3. 两方面相比(并非两方相反,如变化趋势相同,但变化幅度差距大) Meanwhile 1. 直接对比的连接词 Compared with/to Be followed by 10 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 项目之间对比描写技巧 静态图表没有时间变化,也就是说数据不会随着时间变化。在准确描写项目数值时还要突出项目间的 对比。 2. Write a sentence about the largest proportion. Beverages are by far the most popular item sold, making up a quarter of the lunch sales. 3. Write a sentence about salads and desserts. Salads and desserts represent the same proportion with less than a fifth each 18%. 4. Write a sentence about soups and Sandwiches. ?? Sandwiches constitute 21% of all sales, followed by soups that make up a fifth. Followed by 用于两个紧邻的项目之间的对比。 ?? Sandwiches constitute 21% of all sales, 1% higher than that for soups. ?? Meanwhile, 21% of the sales is accounted for by sandwiches, moderately higher compared with a fifth constituted by soups. ?? While soups account for a fifth of the sales, sandwiches make up 21%. 21%18%20%23%18%Lunch SalesSandwiches Salads Soups Beverages Desserts 11 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 动态 图 变化趋势 描写技巧 表示变化趋势的表达 动态图都伴随着时间的变化,用不同的句式描写不同对象的变化情况非常考验考生的写作能力,在这里提供几种地道的句式分别描写剑 7 Test 2 chicken 的消费量明显上升: 1. There be 句型 There was a dramatic increase in terms of chicken consumption, rising from around 140 grams per person per week in 1979 to about 250 grams in 2004. 2. X + 趋势 v. + 幅度 adv. + 介词+ 数值 单位+ 时间 The intake of chicken increased dramatically from around 140 grams per person per week to about 250 grams between 1979 and 2004. 3. X + show + a/ an + 幅度 adj. + 趋势 n. + 介词+ 数值 单位+ 时间 The intake of chicken showed/witnessed/experienced a dramatic/sharp growth from around 140 grams per person per week to about 250 grams between 1979 and 2004. 4. X + showed an + adj. + trend The demand of chicken showed an upward trend from around 140 grams per person per week to about 250 grams between 1979 and 2004. 5. 时间段+ experienced an+ adj + n + 数据 During this 25 years period the consumption of chicken experienced a dramatic increase, rising from around 140 grams per person per week in 1979 to about 250 grams in 2004. 6. 趋势作主语 A dramatic increase in the consumption of chicken can be seen during the period, rising from around 140 grams in 1979 to about 250 grams in 2004. 词 总结:表示经历了某种变化的动词 see, witness, experience 12 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 表示变化的词汇 描述变化趋势 dramatic/rapid/sharp noticeable/significant/considerable slight/marginal/minimal a dramatic increase increase dramatically A noticable increase Increase noticably A slight increase Increase slightly a dramatic decrease decrease dramatically A noticable decrease Decrease noticably A slight decrease Decrease slightly Fluctuation Fluctuate between and Remain stable at A peak Reach the peak A bottom Reach the bottom Increase gradully Increase steadily 13 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 其他动态图转换成线图 技巧 所有的线图一定是动态图,其他类型的动态图均可转化成线图,所以前面学习的所有的变化趋势的表达也都可以应用在其它的动态图中。下面展示了将动态柱图,饼图和表格转化成线图的范例,具体写作方法请参考后面的范文。 柱状图变线图 0204060801001995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002UK telephone calls, by category, 1995 2002Local fixed lineNational and international fixed lineMobiles all calls 14 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 饼图变线图 2%3%8%40%50%45%15%5%23%15%20%9%28%22%15%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%1981 1991 2001Total school spending in 1981, 1991 and 2001Insurance Teachers salariesFurniture and euqipment ResourcesOther workers salaries 15 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 表格变线图 051015202530351999 2004Sales of Fairtrade labelled coffeeUK Switzerland Denmark Belgium Sweden 16 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Task 1 流程图 写作技巧 流程图写作要点 1. 所有的流程图一定都有顺序(时间顺序或先后顺序),写作过程中必须按照顺序描写。 2. 尽量使用被动语态,在主语或动作的发出者不清楚的情况下使用被动语态,可以使描写更加客观准确。 3. 尽量使用定语从句,为了使描写详细准确,通常使用定语从句来修饰某个事物。 4. 流程图写作内容需包含: ?? 每一步流程 ?? 流程图的起始和结束 ?? 概括流程图的总步骤数 5. 全文结构按照总(introduction) 分(details) 总结构(overview) 关于流程图的基础词汇 1. 原材料 raw material 2. 设备 equipment/device 3. 终产物 finished product 4. 中间产物/半成品 intermediate product 5. 流程图 diagram/flow chart 6. 过渡连接词 in the first stage/ in the following stage/in the last step 7. 粗产品 raw product 17 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 每两个步骤的衔接方法 The diagram illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. 1. 用 after which 进行连接 Clay is dug up by a digger, after which it is further sieved with/by a metal grid, and then the finer clay is 尽量用被动语态 2. 用 and then 衔接前后两步 And then the finer clay is transported on a roller. 3. Before 进行连接 they are moved into a drying oven to dry for 24 to 48 hours, before the mixture is cut by a wire clutter or is molded into intermediate bricks. 4. 用 once, after, until 引导从句进行衔接 Once dried, the raw bricks are transported into the kiln 5. 任何一个设备后面都可以跟一个 where 引导的定语从句 The raw bricks are transported into the kiln, where the bricks are heated up under moderate temperature 200 ℃ 980 ℃. 18 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 将上述五种句型连贯成完整文章 Introduction 改写 1:The diagram shows procedures of producing bricks for construction. Introduction 改写 2:The diagram shows how the bricks for construction purpose are produced. In the first stage, clay is dug up by a digger, after which it is further sieved with/by a metal grid, and then the finer clay is transported on a roller. In the following stage, sand and water are mixed with the clay. The mixture cut by a wire clutter or is moulded into intermediate product, before they are moved into a drying oven to dry for 24 to 48 hours. Once dried, the raw bricks are transported into the kiln, where the bricks are heated up under moderate temperature 200 ℃ 980 ℃ first, and then they are dried further at higher temperatures ranging from 870 ℃ to 1,300 ℃, after which they are transferred into the chamber for 48 to 72 hours. In the last step, the finished products are packaged to be finally delivered by a truck to industries that use them. Overall, the whole process of making bricks has eight steps that begins with the collection of the clay, and ends with the delivery of the finished products to the market. 分析:大部分流程图都可以分成三个阶段:原料采集阶段、原料处理阶段、成品打包运输阶段。 19 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 Task 1 地图 题写作 技巧 进入 2018 年以来地图题的出现频率呈现逐渐上升的趋势,目前地图题包括两种题型: 1. 地理变迁题:给出两幅地图描述一个城镇在一段时间内的变化,写作重点为地图变化和地图中事物的相对位置。 2. 选址题:通过地址的优缺点对比来确定题目中目标的选址,写作重点为候选地址相对位置的描写,以及候选地址各自的优缺点。 不像流程图一定有时间顺序,在描写地图时也要尽量遵循一定的顺序(如方位顺序),这样不至于文章混乱。 地图题时态 地理变迁题 如果地图题反映的是一个地方在过去的一段时间内的变化,用一般过去时;如果地图反映的是一个地方未来的发展趋势,文章用一般将来时或者表示 估计 的词汇;如果地图反映的是从过去到现在的情况,可以用现在完成时。 选址题 选址题时态相对简单,在描写候选地址相对位置时用一般现在时;在描写某个候选地址的优点能给周边的居民带来某种便利时用将来时。 相对位置的表达 1. 相对方位的描述和判别 A is located/situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B in 表 A 在 B 内部, on 表 A 和 B 接壤, to 表 A 和 B 分开 2. A 在 B 内部的某个部位 A is in the eastern/ southern/ western/ northern part of B. 3. A 在 B 西北部的 X 千米处 A lies X km to the northwest of B. 4. A 在 B...角落 A is at/in the south eastern corner of B at 表示 A 在 B 外部, in 表 A 在 B 内部 5. 在河流或道路的南边/北边等 On the south/southern side of the river On both sides of the road On the other side 6. A 在 B 的对面 A is on the opposite side of B 20 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 A is opposite B 7. A 在 B 东部的边界上(A 在 B 外部) A is on the eastern border of B 补充 : 表示 变化 的词汇 地图题描述的是一个地区的变化,包括两种: 地图原有事物的改变, 地图新添事物。 1. 原有事物可说成: The original/previous/former shops 2. 原有事物尺寸上变大/变小: The size of the library has been enlarged/extended/halved/reduced by half The size of the school will be expanded 3. 原有事物在数量上增多或减少: The number of homes has increased /grown /reduced/ decreased/ dropped/ fallen/ doubled/ tripled to 500. 4. 原有事物没了: The farms completely disappeared/were removed 5. 原有事物被改为: A is replaced by B 候选地址优缺点 除了描写候选地址的相对位置之外,还要描写候选地址的优缺点。 第一个细节段: S1 的相对位置及相应的优点 第二个细节段 S2 的相对位置和相应的优缺点 注意:在下笔之前,心中有了倾向,你所倾向的方案要只写优点而不写缺点。 补充表达: 建议的 suggested, proposed 地址: location, site 候选地址:suggested/potential/ proposed site A 距离 B 很近 A is close to B A 和 B 相邻 A is next to B 为 提供方便 provide convenience to/ offer advantages for 21 全球 Top 50 全奖博士、资深雅思写作老师 Albert 原创 A 恰好在 位置 A is right in 预计 is predicted to/ is estimated to/ is projected to 理论上(实际上)来说:Theoretically



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