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雅思小作文流程图顺序连接词 TED

2020-09-28 03:35:01

1. The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages In the first stage, the second stage, when the process of..... finishes, then, after, after, in the final stage At this point, a cycle has been completed and a new cycle will begin 2. Once....., then, after, finally 3. First of all, afterwards, then 4. In the first stage, subsequently, after, then, following this, finally 5. The process begins with...., next is the ...... stage, the third stage, ......comes next, ultimately 6. .......comprises the initial stage, once...., after, then, eventually 表示 然后之后 的词语 Then, after, next, afterwards, subsequently 表示 紧随着 的词语 ...... is followed by, following....., right after...., soon after.... 一旦.....弄好了 Once......., As soon as...... 表示 最终 的词语 Finally, Lastly, Eventually, Ultimately



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