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Climb mountain moss 苔藓山之旅英语作文

2020-09-28 10:40:01

Climb mountain moss 苔藓山之旅500字英语作文作者:与深是你 2019 10 02 14:52字体大小: 类别:500字,英文,初一年级 Lichen mountain is located in a scenic area in longhua county, chengde, hebei province. To climb the mossy mountain is what I have been looking forward to for a long time. This summer, with the suns warm wishes for us, we began to climb the moss mountain trip. The sky is still a light blue, the sun gently out of the head. We took a taxi from the hotel to the moss mountain, the top of the platform looks like a provocation, is in... Like we wave? The air was fresh after the rain, not too hot, but rather stuffy. One step a step to climb up, the brain is thinking of other things, I sometimes chuckle, sometimes frown, rain or shine indefinite, like the day of longhua. May be too long to climb, some tired, I inadvertently looked up, but was this ridiculous beauty dazed eyes. The sky adds a layer of hazy beauty to the mossy mountain. The height of mount tai is unmeasurable, and the outline of some mossy mountain can be seen from the hazy. What a paradise! I tightened the pace, trying to keep up with the pace, looking at the scenery on both sides, is a pleasant paradise, dark green leaves winding around the brown branches, bring visual beauty, next to is called "peach blossom pavilion" pavilion, for people to rest. I wiped the sweat from my face and moved on. I met a young couple who had just come down the mountain, and I asked, "hello, how far is it to the top of the mountain?" Not shocked is false, climbing for half an hour only a quarter of the climb, I was a little bit ready to cry. Every time you pass by, you will come across various pavilions. For example, there are many strange names on the pavilions on the moon and on the kongpavilion. It seems that the moss mountain, is really "countless heroes bow." Climb for a period of time, I looked down the mountain, at this time, the scenery under the mountain is more pleasant than the scenery when just up the mountain, fog around, deep bottomless, mysterious and unmeasured, as if to jump will fall into it, floating in its floating, like the gods in the sky. Finally reached the top of the mountain, there is powerless to sit on the platform, there is a kind of "do not know lushan true face, only the edge of the body in this mountain" feeling, next to the hill in my eyes seems to have a kind of "desire to be compared with heaven high" brave. After a short rest, I prepared to go down the mountain. The way down the mountain is all the way easy, this cant help but make me think of "the mountain is easy to go down the mountain is difficult", isnt it not easy to go down the mountain is difficult to go up the mountain. It was easy but dangerous, and the steep slopes seemed to be carried down by careless wheels, so people were extra careful. The trip to mossy mountain formed an indelible memory in my mind. 首发作文宝典、未经授权严禁转载:http://www.duwenz.com/zuowen/6124108.html 作者个人主页:>>>



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