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书面表达。 请用八句以上的话简介以下当地一年四季的天气情

2020-09-28 11:35:01

Wuhan is a big city by the Changjiang River in the middle of China. There are four cities here. Spring is not long, the weather in spring is a little cold, and it is always drizzling. It s really hot in summer. There are few people on the street at noon in summer. Wuhan is one of four hottest cities in China. Autumn is a season for harvest. The weather is nice but a little dry. It’s my favorite season. It s cold in winter. But people don t feel so cold because of Christmas, the Spring Festival and other holidays. Maybe Wuhan is not a very comfortable place to live, but I like living here because I was born here. 答案不唯一 马上分享给同学



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