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求一篇旅游路线的的英语作文 需要翻译出来的 谢谢

2020-09-28 12:25:01

Travel to Yunnan provinces Lijiang was such that interesting. upon your flight touch down at the airport, all you could see a mountains area, a peaceful life of the local residents, mainly farmer, after about 30minute drove from airport when you just enter the city, an atmosphere of Ancient city smell that probably can bring the ideals peaceful,harmony life of living here. The Dayen Ancient city, a very interesting place awaiting for you to discovery.Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a perfect view from far and near view, water river, YinShan Plateau also the highlight of this lovely mountains.Lijiang really a ideals travel places just waiting for you to discover.丽江旅游, 当飞机即将下降时,你所见到的是一座又一座的山峰。带给你的感觉是一个朴素的山城我来了。一路上尽眼看到的是,漂亮的田园,那写意的生活。一路上都没见到高楼大厦,所见到都是朴素的矮楼房。当开始进入市区时你将看到,那著名的丽江大研古城,至今还保留着那独特的建筑风格。到丽江当然不可少了游玩那著名的玉龙雪山,云杉坪,白水河,去发掘那漂亮的雪山美景。



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