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2020-09-29 00:00:01


In present day China, we can find two types of fast food:western and Chinese. However, not until the recent decade has western fast food become popular in China. Before the first hamburger walked its way into the Chinese food market,we had little idea abo...

My family This is my family.Myfather is thirty five.He likes play soccer,but he cant play it very well.He is in a swimming club.My mother doesnt like sports very much but she often watch them on TV.She likes music very much.She can sing and dance.She ...

2009年6月四级考试翻译答案87. difficulty in keeping up with his classmates88. wouldn t have been caught by the rain89. more likely to put on weight90. What many people don t realize91. closely related to the lack of evercise...

A Happy Family 幸福的家庭英语作文100字 Last year my father lost his job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad. Iencouraged my father and said I was old enough and could do something to help. In order to help my parents, I took a part time job...


英语作文 我的家庭 The remote control to me. No, to me. Alas, the family crisis was underway, every weekend or holiday, our family to get ahead on the remote control is contested. I have only five days a...

英语作文投稿 发件人:友谊 2846296042@qq.com 我的家庭英语作文:My Family I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese. I am a student in Grade 7. On Sunday, we often go out for a picnic. We...

My family 我的家庭英语作文90字 Including me,there are four people in my family:my dad, mom,and my older sister .My family is a small family,and we also have a puppy.Its name is baby. In my family, I love my puppy best. because daddy and mom do no...

My family 我的家庭英语作文90字 Including me,there are four people in my family:my dad, mom,and my older sister .My family is a small family,and we also have a puppy.Its name is baby. In my family, I love my puppy best. because daddy and mom do no...

My family I have a family. There are my father, mother, sister, grandmother and me. My father is a good father, he works hard every day, in order to give us a happy family. My mother is very hard working, she not only to work, but also to clean the ho...

My family 我的家庭英语作文110字 Look at the photo of my family,the girl is me.Im fourteen years old.Im in Dongzhou Middle School.I like reading, listening to music and drawing pictures. Im a happy girl. On the left is my mother. She is a teacher....

◆您现在正在阅读的我的家庭My family文章内容由收集, 本站地址:www.99zuowen.com,版权归原作者所有.!我的家庭My family 我的家庭My familyI love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is...

Ihaveahappyfamily. Therearefourmembersinmyfamily.Myfatherisaworkerandheisveryhardworking.Mymothertakescareofmyfamily.IhaveabigTV,anewcomputerandamobilephone.Myfatherinmyfamilyshoulddothehousework,butheisverybusy.Mymothercooksmealsforusathome.Mymomandd...

一转眼,期中考试来了。今天,是我们六年级考英语。我怀着一种期待的心情,等待着考试的到来。 铃,铃,铃响亮的铃声响起,老师把试卷发了下来。这张试卷有一定难度,考高分不容易得啊,...

英语角 英语手抄报 迎着早春的晨风,我蹦蹦跳跳地和大家一起,来到了位于校园西南角的英语角这个小花园。 英语角 英语手抄报...

唉,下节课又是英语课,一提起英语两个字,我的眉毛瞬间皱成个八字,脸变成了苦瓜,心里像揣了只小兔,七上八下 不知怎么了,那些单词在别人眼里那简直是soeasy,但一到了我这里就变成了天...


这次的英语考试我没有考好,主要原因还是归咎于我平时不够刻苦,没有在英语上面花上足够的时间。 我知道老师对于我有着很大的期望,可是我还是没有考好。对于这点我感到十分抱歉。但是既...


今天,在第三节课的时候,英语老师许老师给我们进了一次英语U5、U6的英语听写,一个十分,默了十个。 那个时候,我的心里真像十五个吊桶打水七上八下。因为昨天我根本就没有看而且还...

I have a happy family. My family have five poeple:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me. My parents and me live in city. My father is a worker. His work is hard. My mother is a high schools Chinese teacher, She take bicycle go to work at sevenclock. In...

可恶的英语 英语学习记作文350字 从接触英语开始,我就一直沉浸在背英语单词中不能自拔,然而效果总是那么小,我的英语成绩始终在及格线左右徘徊,一不小就不及格了,为了英语,爸爸妈妈...

笨鸟先飞早入林 Clumsy birds haveto start flying early。 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 It takes more thanone cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep。 OR: The ground isfrozen three feet deep a rather long process。 长江后浪推前浪...

清晨,闹铃的声音划破起初的宁静。正是假期,我把头蒙回被窝,准备睡个回笼觉。可是老爸老妈可就不这么轻松了,他们还得打起精神去工作呢! 不一会儿,他们的声音里充满了翻箱倒柜的声音...

我的遥控器去哪儿了?不好,一场家庭风波又拉开了序幕。 那是一个月明星稀的夜晚,然而,我家却没有星空那样平静。因为正好赶上了爸爸爱看的球赛,我爱看的动画片和妈妈爱看的电视剧。...

家庭,是维持血缘关系的代名词,现在逐渐被金钱,利益,名声所取代,家庭像水流一样消失了,再也回不来了。 当今社会,盛宴,人们唱歌和跳舞,追求更高的生活质量以及所需的物品是金...

我们家经常有些违反家规的逃犯作案,但民众的眼睛是雪亮的,所以我们的家庭法庭也就应运而生了。 一天早晨,阳光明媚,鸟儿在树上叽叽喳喳地唱歌。我若无其事地在书房里写作业。突然...

我生活在一个欢乐家庭里,我每天都感受着家庭的欢乐。在我的家里总是会发生一些趣事,这使我们平常的生活中有了更多的欢乐! 从小到现在,我一直在妈妈的精心照料下,过着衣来伸手,饭来...

三国杀是一个现在十分流行的桌游。我很喜欢玩,于是让爸爸给我买了一个,拿回家以后更是让我爱不释手。 买回来后我迫切地打开了它,发现牌真的太多了!108张手牌、57个将领、28张血量牌、...

从小到大,我经历的事情数不胜数,它们像夜空的繁星点点,闪烁明灭,像蓝天的白云,转瞬云烟。但有一件事,却在我心中留下了深深的烙印,每每想起,都会让人哭笑 不得。 昨天晚上,我...



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