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求代写英语作文Vocationaleducationorcollegeeducation1 报考职业学院的人近年来呈上

2020-09-29 00:35:01

Education has become one of the most important things in one’s development, especially for young man. In order to get a good job in the future and enhance their advantages in the strong competition, youthful persons choose to obtain a degree by enter a college or to gain a special skill through vocational education.Due to China’s higher education policy, more and more high school students enter college or university to gain a degree. But in the labor force market, there is a huge talent breach, forming this strange phenomenon.On the other side, a big proportion of graduates cannot find a job because what they learned in college can not help them to find one.As we know,vocational education can help one to find a job. However,people still treat vocational education not so highly. Because they regard vocational education is informal and has lower quality. In colleges or universities, we can learn a lot in many aspects. And during vocational one, which teaches a job skill, we can gain a special skill. As China’s development, the country will need worker with excellent skills and polished technique. So in my opinion, to improve both kinds of education and combine them is necessary since they are the major forms for young people to learn. In the present day society, a college student not only with a diploma and but with the education on job and skills can own a wonderful future.

求代写英语作文Vocationaleducationorcollegeeducation1 报考职业学院的人近年来呈上升趋势;2 有人认为职业教育更有利于就业 有人认为大学文凭更重要;3 我的看法.



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