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2020-09-29 00:40:01

Schools kill CreativityI agree with the idea that schools kill students’ creativity. How do I reach this conclusion? As far as I am concerned, schools kill creativity by standard answers, the one to all teaching method and the lack of practice.Standard answers can kill creativity. Schools often use standard answers in exams for the convenience of correcting. This may prevent students from independent thinking. In order to get good marks in the exam, some students may think the same as they were taught. If students think the same way, it will be difficult to create new thoughts or methods. Once everyone thinks the same, there will be no creativity. Thus, standard answers kill creativity by killing independent thoughts.The one to all teaching method can also kill students’ creativity. If the students just listen to the teacher, their creative thinking will be restrained because they have few chances to speak out their own views. How can you expect students to have creative thoughts if they can’t speak out what they think? Unfortunately, this method is still widely used in Chinese schools.The lack of practice is another problem in school which leads to poor creativity. A large quantity of creative ideas comes from practice. When a student meets a problem during practice, he would try to find a better way to solve the problem. A creative thinking may slip his mind. Little by little, creativity can be cultivated by solving the practical problems. But most schools emphasize theory rather than practice, so students don’t have enough opportunities to benefit from practice.In conclusion, schools contain lots of factors which may kill creativity. But we can do our utmost to cultivate ourselves by thinking independently, speaking out our views and practice.



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