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2020-09-29 00:45:01

时间:2007 12 17来源:栏目:作者: 收藏: 556. I went to see my doctor for a check up yesterday. 我昨天想去我的医生那去检查检查。 557. The doctor discovered that Im a little overweight. 医生发现我有些超重。 558. He gave me a chest X ray and took my blood pressure. 他让我做了个x射线的胸透,给 556. I went to see my doctor for a check up yesterday. 我昨天想去我的医生那去检查检查。557. The doctor discovered that I m a little overweight. 医生发现我有些超重。558. He gave me a chest X ray and took my blood pressure. 他让我做了个x射线的胸透,给我又量了量血压。559. He told me to take these pills every four hours. 他告诉我每四小时吃次药。560. Do you think the patient can be cured? 你觉得这个病人能被治愈吗? 561. They operated on him last night.昨天晚上他们给他做了手术。 562. He needed a blood transfusion. 他需要输血。 563. My uncle had a heart attack last year. 我叔叔去年得了心脏病。564. They had to call in a heart specialist. 他们需要一个心脏病专家。 565. What did the doctor say? 医生说什么? 566. The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 医生建议我多做些运动。 567. The doctor said I look pale. 医生说我看起来很苍白。568. If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果我想健康的话,我不得不戒烟。 569. The physician said smoking is harmful to my health. 内科医生告诉我吸烟有害健康。 570. It s just a mosquito bite.There s nothing to worry about. 只是被蚊子叮了下,不必担心。



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