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怎样烤薯片Howtomakepotatochips1.准备好新鲜马铃薯 胡椒粉 孜然粉 糖 盐根据个人

2020-09-29 01:10:01

怎样烤薯片How to make potato chips1.准备好新鲜马铃薯、胡椒粉、孜然粉、糖、盐根据个人口味的喜好,还可以替换调)Prepare fresh potato, pepper, cumin powder, sugar, salt first You can replace or adjust some of them according to personal taste preferences2. 用锋利的刀切薄薄的片Cut potatoes into thin slices with a sharp knife3.切好的薯片装进沙拉盆,撒上胡椒粉、孜然粉、盐、糖拌匀,分量都随自己的喜好 Put sliced potato chips into the salad bowl and sprinkle with pepper, cumin powder, salt, sugar and mix well with your own preferences.4.然后把薯片铺进放着不粘布的烤盘里,这样将来烤好的薄脆的薯片才容易取下来Then place the chips on the nonstick plate, so that the baked crisp chips can easily take down.5.200度上下火,打开烤箱的风门,这样水分会迅速散失。烤15分钟左右,看到薯片变脆微黄就可以了Heat the oven to about 200 degrees thn open the air door of the oven, so water will quickly dissipate. Bake for 15 minutes or so and when the chips become brittle yellowish, it will be done. 纯人工整理,希望能帮到你望采纳 谢谢

怎样烤薯片Howtomakepotatochips1.准备好新鲜马铃薯 胡椒粉 孜然粉 糖 盐根据个人口味的喜好 还可 带翻译的怎样做薯片的英语作文



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