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英语作文:以Myfamily为题 介绍自己的家庭成员以及成员的职业 不少于8句话.

2020-09-29 01:10:01

My family My family is a happy family which includes my father `my mother and I.I am xx.MY mother is xx,and my father the oldest in my family is xx.Now I who am a young and wise girl am learning in school.At the time ,my mother ,a beatiful and kind woman,is doing the housework.So my father who is a good teacher is working in school.My father is a honest and high man who likes playing basketball and hiking.While my mother like drawing.AS their child ,I like listening music ,playing basketball and reading.I am not beatiful ,but they say I am lovely.Whatmore,we help each other when anyone is in trouble. I love my family.



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