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2020-09-29 02:10:01

每次英语考试最让人头疼的不是听力和选择题,而是作文,我们来参考一下范文缓解一下头疼吧。When I do well in the exam, I will show my paper to my parents, they are so happy to see me do well in the exam. I want to be happy all the time. But I have put so much pressure on myself. One day, my parents tell me that they don’t care how I do well in the exam, they just want me to be happy. I know I should relax myself and be happy.当我考试考得好的时候,我会给父母展示我的试卷,他们很开心看到我考得这么好。我想要一快乐。但是我给予了自己太多的压力。一天,我的父母告诉我他们不在意我考试考得有多好,他们只想要我快乐。我知道自应该自我放松,保持快乐。When we asks parents for money and for other things, we are so naturally to do it and without thinking too much. If our parents refuse, we will be angry. But the fact is that they don’t owe us, instead, we owes them and most of us don’t know the meaning of gratitude. Don’t take everything from our parents as a necessary.当我们问父母要钱和其他东西的时候,我们很自然地去做,没有考虑太多。如果我们的父母拒绝,我们会生气。但事实是,他们不欠我们,相反,我们欠他们,我们大多数人都不知道感恩的意义。不要把从我们的父母那里要来的东西认为是理所当然。Today when people talk about Red Cross Organization, they shake their heads and don’t trust this organization. People react for it originated from about four years ago, at that time, a girl showed off her luxury in the public media, she told people that her father was a member of the Red Cross Organization. More and more people knew her, they thought they were cheated by the organization, the money they donated was not used in the right way. The incident has a great negative influence on the Red Cross Organization, people don’t trust it any more, they are not willing to donate their money. As for me, I will not donate money to the organization, I choose to give money to the person who is in need of help, so the money won’t be taken by others, make sure the person get the real money.今天当人们谈论红十字会的时候,他们会摇头,不再信任这个组织。人们做这个反应来自了大约四年以前,当时,一个女孩在公共媒体前炫耀她的奢侈,她告诉人们她的父亲是一名红十字会成员。越来越多的人了解她,他们觉得被这个组织骗了,他们所捐的钱没有被正确使用。这个事件对红十字会有很大的负面影响,人们不再相信这个组织,不愿意捐钱。对于我来说,我不会捐钱给这个组织,我选择给钱需要帮助的人,这样钱就不会经手他人,确保人们得到真正的钱。



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