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介绍中国四季以及适合的户外活动的英语作文 80词左右

2020-09-29 02:40:01

There are four seasons in a year in China.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.一年有四个季节,它们是春、夏、秋、冬.In spring,everything begins to grow.The weather gets warmer and warmer and the days get longer and longer.The leaves turn green.The children can fly kites.在春天,万物复苏.天气变得越来越暖和,白天也变得越来越长了.树叶变绿了.孩子们可以放风筝.In summer,the weather is very hot.It often rains.The plants grow fast.The children can swim freely in a pool or in a river.在夏天,天气很热,常常下雨.植物生长得很快.孩子们可以在游泳池或小河里自由地游泳.Autumn is the harvest season.You can eat fresh fruit and begetables.In this season,farmers are very busy picking up crops.The weather is very cool.So it is the best time to travel.秋天是收获的季节.你可以吃到新鲜的水果和蔬菜.在这个季节,农民们正忙于收割庄家.秋天天气凉爽,适合旅游.In winter it is very cold.It often snows.The children can make snowmen and go skiing.冬天天气很冷,经常下雪,孩子们可以堆雪人和滑雪.



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