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对自己所过的第一个学期的大学生活的总结 以这个为题写一篇英语作文 急需

2020-09-29 03:15:01

时间过得真快,转眼间又快到这个学期的最后阶段了。总的说来,这一年对于我来说,就像是一段充满惊险的旅程,有乘风破浪的时候,也有偏离航道的时候,对于自己所犯的错误,我觉得很遗憾,但是我不后悔,因为每段经历都让我学到点什么,今后,我要发扬优点,改正缺点,不能再浪费一分一秒,特别是在星期天的时间里,要及时总结归纳一周里学的东西,作好笔记。针对自己的专业,多到图书馆看专业书和案例,拓宽自己的知识面和增加看问题的深度,同时还要多跟任课老师沟通,不懂就问,戒除害羞的习惯。大学生活是很宝贵的,我不愿意平平淡淡地过这几年,我要好好珍惜这难得的读书机会,努力读书,为自己的大学生活增添丰富美丽的色彩。这个学期的生活让我懂得了一个道理,什么事情一定要去尝试以下才会知道你行不行,不要轻易的放弃,而且,一定要有信心,相信自己,也许会出现你意想不到的结果.译文:Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye and fast to the final stage of this term.Generally speaking, this year for me, is like a full ofthrilling ride, ride the wind and waves have time, havedeviated from the path, for their own mistakes, I feel very sorry, but I dont regret, because each experience let melearn what,In the future, I want to carry forward the advantages, to correct shortcomings, cant waste a second, especially on Sunday in time, timely summarize a week Lixue things,take notes.According to their own professional, more to the libraryprofessional books and case, broaden their knowledgeand increase the depth of the problem, also with the teacher to communicate, do not ask, get rid of shyness habit.University life is very precious, I dont want to go lightlyover the past few years, I will cherish this rare opportunity to study, study hard, add beautiful color for theiruniversity life.The term life let me understand a truth, what things have to try the following dont know what you can do, do noteasily give up, but, must have confidence, believe in yourself, perhaps there will be you beat all results



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