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2020-09-29 03:15:01


I often lament the passing of time, and now a semester is over, and I think of the time before the start of the University. Waiting for the fickle score of the college entrance examination, waiting for the indifference of the notice. In that hot and hot summer, I came to Hangzhou inexplicably and started my college life. I know that college graduation means the pressure of employment, and my rising ideal. So I need to work hard, I know it. The change in learning and the changes in life have gradually made me more aware. Sometimes, when a person sets it down, I suddenly find that in this world, the only person I can rely on is myself. Everyone has its own stage, and it is difficult to deduce the brilliance of his own. Remembering the past few months is quite substantial in general。

it is still very happy to recall it. After all, the joy of learning is eternal. Think of a scene in the self study room, the heart of a faint smile. At the University, the quality education is originally, but for the general interpretation of the people, it is to deal with the exam and mixed credit, it is a kind of sadness. But I cant sink into a mediocrity and decadence. I know that I fell down here is my fault, so I cant use those peoples standards to measure themselves. I should rise, and cannot be stopped.



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