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2020-09-29 03:50:01

春姑娘迈着轻盈的步伐恋恋不舍地离开了。她一转身,那美丽的夏天就静悄悄地来到了我们身边。 Spring girl walked with light steps reluctant to leave. She turned around, the beautiful summer quietly came to our side.


Although I like spring, I like summer better.


Summer is hot. The hot sun hung high in the air, the heat and sprinkle to the earth. I like summer, because we can wear thin clothes, can be lightly dancing with the wind.


Summer is all grown up period, every day in the growth of plant. You see the green vine beans overnight in scaffolding, can grow very high. Zhu Zilin, you listen to the voice of sorghum fields, in a bar in the sound, more than half of the night. The scenery here is so beautiful!


Summer is relaxed. A lot of people are like holding a fishing rod to go fishing. In the morning the lake quietly, without a sound, as in the school classroom, even a needle falling on the ground could be heard. At noon, the old people sitting in the shade under a tree, they take a leisurely fan fan, beside the dog vomit a bright red tongue, slightly closed eyes lazily lying on the ground. The birds and cicadas in the tree bark incessantly, as if to tell people, summer is so leisurely and comfortable.

夏天是美丽的。绿油油的小草和五颜六色的花儿随风摆动。各种各样的花都开了。湖中那美丽的荷花更是漂亮!粉的、白的荷花依偎在荷叶的身旁,像娇羞的小姑娘。荷叶上有许多露珠,太阳一出来,它们就像省略号一样,顺着荷叶 啪嗒啪嗒 地滑落到湖水里了。

Summer is beautiful. The green grass and colorful flowers swaying in the wind. A variety of flowers open. Lake in the beautiful lotus is beautiful! Pink and white flowers nestled in the lotus leaf side, like a shy little girl. There are a lot of dew on a lotus leaf, the sun came out, they are like the ellipsis, the lotus leaf patter slipped into the water.


Ah, summer is beautiful, how charming! Summer, I love you!



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