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2020-09-29 04:35:01

得分关键词: love 爱;repay love 回报爱;trouble 麻烦burden 负担;take care of 照顾;filial piety 孝敬,孝心;accompay 陪伴;loneliness 孤独;healthy growth健康成长;responsibility/ obligation 责任;Chinese traditional virtue 中国传统美德; 范文: From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two people who show love with each other. On the left picture, thirty years ago, with a happy smile on her face, the beautiful young mother was holding his daughter s hand. On the right picture, with her mother becoming old, the little girl grows up , she holds her mother tightly. Thirty years past, but a happy and warm smile never disappears. The caption below reads, holding together. We learn from the cartoon that love between parents and children should be mutual and constant. Our parents not only give us life, but also give us unselfish and generous love when we grow up. They provide us with the best things, fill all of our needs and protect us from being hurt. When they grow old, we should also unreservedly repay their love. Old parents are not as healthy as when they were young, inconvenience also abounds in their love, they undoutedly need our care and love, just as when we were young and little. Although sometimes they tell us, I am fine, do not worry about me. Is that true? No! In effect, they just don t want to bring us extra trouble and burden ! Although the pace of modern life is quickening and the competition is becoming fiercer. No matter how busy we are, we young people should also spare some time to accompany our old parents, help them escape from loneliness and listen to their inner voice. Taking care of old people is not so much Chinese traditional virtue as our basic obligation. By the way, do you remember how long you haven t called your parents or eaten with them ? 284words 参考译文: 如图所示,我们可以看见有两个彼此显示出真爱的人。在左边的图画中,三十年前,一个美丽的年轻妈妈脸上带着笑容,拉着她女儿的手。在右边的图画中,妈妈年纪大了,而小女儿长大了,她紧紧地牵着妈妈的手。三十年过去了,而幸福和温暖的笑容从未消失。图画下方的文字写着: 相携 。 我们从图画中得知,父母和子女之间的爱,应该是彼此的,应该是持续的。父母不仅给了我们生命,而且在我们成长的过程中,给与我们无私的爱。他们总是把最好的东西给我们,满足我们的一切需求,保护我们免于伤害。我们也应该毫无保留地回报他们的爱。年长的父母,身体不再健康,生活也有不便,他们就像小时候的我们,也需要我们的关爱和照顾。很多时候父母总是会说, 我很好,别管我 ,真是这样的吗?不是的!其实这只是因为他们害怕给我们增添额外添麻烦或负担。 尽管现代社会节奏快,竞争大。然而,不管有多忙,我们年轻人也应该抽出时间多陪陪老人,帮助他们消除孤独,倾听他们的心声。关爱老人与其说是中华民族的传统美德,不如说是每个人应尽的基本的义务。顺便,你还记得,有多久没有给父母电话,或者是陪他们吃一顿饭了?



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