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有关于校园生活的英语作文 要英汉互译 快

2020-09-29 04:35:01

丰富多彩的校园生活当微风轻柔地托起一丝丝柳絮的时候;当太阳把它金色的光辉悄然披在一棵棵俊俏的樱花树上的时候;当美丽的花瓣在空中悠悠地达几个卷儿,再轻轻落地的时候,我们正幸福地享受着烂漫的校园生活。 我的校园是个既美丽又时时刻刻充满着欢声笑语的“大家庭”。里面有丰富多彩的校园生活,如:散打、跆拳道、田径……而我的训练项目是:散打、跆拳道、鼓号,其中我最喜欢的是散打和跆拳道。 我喜欢训练,喜欢那可以让我们自由发挥的一小时,我们一起谈心来增进彼此之间的友谊,增添那宝贵的心灵财富;我们一起讨论问题来提高彼此的成绩,让自己更加的充实与睿智;聚集在操场上,卖力训练;站在宽阔的操场上沐浴阳光,享受这最美好的金色年华。 还记得那次跆拳道比赛我永远都不会忘怀:比赛的前一个星期教练通知了我们,她告诉我们:跆拳道比赛时不要紧张,用平常训练的状态去比赛。时间飞逝,比赛的这一天到了。我准备好了,马上就要到我了…… “红方王亚楠,蓝方马倩倩。”裁判叫到我了。我整理了一下就上去了。哇!对方比我高一个头呢!怎么办?“王亚楠,别紧张,放松。”只听教练说了一声。放松放松…。。“开始”蓝方一开始就来了一个下劈,还好我机灵一下躲开了,我也不甘示弱朝着他的头上踢去,打到了,我一下得了一个三……比赛依然进行着“嘘”裁判吹响了哨子。我一看显示牌上12:8我赢了!我高兴的一蹦三尺高“打得不错!有气势!”教练满脸笑容地说。 下午的比赛我虽然输了,但我依然很高兴,因为这是我第一次比赛。 丰富多彩的校园生活既能活跃我们的身心,又能锻炼我们的身体,何乐而不为呢!我爱我的校园,爱我的大家庭!Rich and colorful campus lifeWhen the breeze gently hold up when one fishes catkins; when the sun it quietly put on the glorious golden in some handsome cherry trees on the time; when the beautiful flower in the air for several long to roll, then gently fall time, we are happy to enjoy campus life in full bloom.My school is a beautiful and always full of laughter "big family". There are rich and colorful campus life, such as: boxing, taekwondo, track and field ... ... And my training program is: Taekwondo, Sanda, drum, which I like most is Taekwondo and sanda.I like training, like that can let us free to play for an hour, talk with us to enhance the friendship between each other, adding that precious spiritual wealth; we discuss issues to improve each others results, make oneself more and more rich and wise; gathered in the playground, hard training; on the broad playground bathing in the sunshine, enjoy the best of golden age.Remember that time Taekwondo competition I never forget: the game a week before the coach told us, she told us: Taekwondo competition not nervous, with the usual training state to match. Time flies, the game that day to. Im ready, come to me ... ..." Red Wang Yanan, blue Ma Qianqian." The referee called to me. I straightened up. Wow! The other is a head taller than I! What am I gonna do? " Wang Yanan, dont be nervous, relax." Only listen to the teacher said. To relax ..... " Start" the blue side of a beginning to a chop, fortunately I smart about away, I have not resigned to playing second fiddle to his head kicked, hit, I once had a three ... ... The game is still a" hush" the referee blew the whistle. I see a display board 12: 8 I win! I am happy to jump three feet high" play nice! Momentum!" The coach smiled and said.The afternoons game although I lost, but I was still very happy, because this is my first game.Rich and colorful campus life can not only active in our body and mind, and can exercise our body, what is there against it! I love my school, love my big family!



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