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用英语写一篇作文:我们就要毕业了 不免有几分伤感 为将要离别的同学写几句祝福的话

2020-09-29 04:55:02

How time flies. I can not belive i will graduate in this year. I say goodbye to every classmate and my teachers. I feel a little sad becasue i possibly can not see them again in my life.My friends are try their best to find a good job or go abroad. I stand in front of the university. i do not know my future is bright and what is the my career. But one thing i believe if i do my best, i will get what i want. I will miss you, all my friends! One day, we will meet again in another place.

用英语写一篇作文:我们就要毕业了 不免有几分伤感 为将要离别的同学写几句祝福的话.字数在80词以上作业帮



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