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2020-09-29 05:25:01

抒情我的家并不是什么豪宅,别墅。也没有花园,洋房。和大多数人一样,我有一个普通而又温馨的家。“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。”家是思念和温馨。 “柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。”家是温情和着落。 “月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。”是找不到家的凄凉和沦落。“绕树三匝,何枝可依。”是找不到家的迷惘和伤心。 My home is not a luxury, villa. No garden, house. Like most people, I have a general and warm home. "Departure sew, For fear." House is missing and warm. "Chapman heard bark, 风雪夜归人." House is the warmth and landed. "Yuemingxingxi, Ukraine magpie flying south." Is not found in the desolate and driven home. "Juke Sanza, Ho Chi 可依." Is the confusion and sorrow can not find at home....在我的家中有三名家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈和我。在家中有许多自制的工具,那些呀都是家中的顶梁柱——我爸爸的杰作;走进房间,到处都布置的井井有条,这些呀都是家里的半边天——我妈妈的功劳;只见墙上贴着足有一面墙的奖状,不用我说大家就一定都知道了吧?这些就是我的学习成果。In my house there are three family members: father, mother and me. There are many home made tools, which are home pillar ah my fathers masterpiece; into the room, and everywhere the orderly arrangement, these are the home half of the sky Yeah my mothers credit; saw the wall on a wall close to the full certificate, not I said everyone must know, right? These are my learning outcomes.额...把汉语的作文翻译成英语哩?



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