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以MyHome为题写一篇短文 字数为30~50个单词.

2020-09-29 05:35:01

1)My homeI have a small room of my own. The room is decorated with a lot of posters of teen idols. In front of the window there is a desk and a chair. I spend a lot of time in there on learning. I have a bookshelf in the corner. Its getting heavier month after month, because I like to buy books, some of them I havent even read yet. And last but not least there is my comfortable bed in which I have spent more than one third of my lifetime. Anyway, I like my room. I prefer staying in it to going outside. 翻译:我的房间我有一间自己的小房间.这个房间被装饰了许多青春偶像的海报.窗前有一张桌子和一张椅子.我花很多在那儿学习.墙角那儿我有一个书橱.它一个月比一个月重,因为我喜欢买书,其中许多我甚至还没读过.最后要说的但却很重要的是我舒服的床,我在上面已经度过生命中超过三分之一的时间了.不管怎样,我喜欢我的房间.我宁可待在房间里也不愿出去.2)My homeMy room is beautiful, there is a large bed, a bookcase. I have a lot of the bookcase. There is room I love the computer. Lovely pigs are in bed. Zhang Jies posters hung on the wall.翻译:我的房间我的房间很漂亮,这里有一张大床,一个书柜.我的书柜很大.房间里还有我最爱的电脑.床上有可爱的猪猪.墙上挂着张杰的海报. 3)My RoomI have my own room. It is big and nice. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf. The doll is on the bad. The lamp is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. The clothes are in the closet. There is a air conditioner over the closet. Look! There are many pictures on the wall. I love my room very much.翻译:我的房间 我有我自己的房间.它又大又漂亮.有一张床,一个桌子和一个架子上.娃娃在床上躺着.灯在办公桌上放着.这些书是在我的书架上上.在垃圾桶在门的后面.我的衣服都整齐的摆放在衣柜里.有一个空调在壁橱.看!有许多照片在墙上.我十分喜爱我的房间.(自己选一篇吧 ^ ^)



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