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每天锻炼一小时 幸福是一辈子。近段时间我们每天都在锻炼 请你谈谈你对运动锻炼的感

2020-09-29 05:35:01

每天锻炼一小时,幸福是一辈子。近段时间我们每天都在锻炼,请你谈谈你对运动锻炼的感受及想法。 英语作文 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 每天锻炼一小时,幸福是一辈子。近段时间我们每天都在锻炼,请你谈谈你对运动锻炼的感受及想法。 英语作文 LV 2013 06 17 满意答案LV2013 12 12Living longer, feeling good and looking good are three ideals in today s world, one of the keys to achieve these goals is exercise. You are never too old, to young or too unfit to get started. Regardless of your age or gender you can benefit from regular physical activity, all you need is determination and commitment.Health specialists recommend at least 30 minutes of moderately physical activity on every day of the week; walking, running, cycling, swimming or any other moderate activities that include the use of muscles. It is not necessary to find an specific exercise program to be healthy, try working with a little more movement as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting off public transportation a few blocks before your stop, getting up from your desk to stretch and walk around, carrying your own groceries, etc.Regular physical exercise improves the functioning of your immune system, which can help prevent illness and it lowers the risk of getting heart attacks and strokes. Exercising helps control blood pressure, it reduces cholesterol and it helps relieve and prevent migraine headache attacks.Your mind is as important as your body and exercise helps you feel well; you manage stress more effectively and it reduces anxiety. When you exercise it helps you alleviate depression when you are having problems at home, work or at school. Once you start exercising you will learn how to relax more often therefore your quality of sleep will improve.When physical activities become part of your daily routine your overall quality of life improves, you feel in better shape and you notice the increase of level in your muscular strength as well as the ability to do continuous work. You see results in your appearance; you lose weight and your muscles get toned as a result your self image improves. Being involved in new physical exercise increases the opportunity to meet new people and to share activities that can help you keep up with your exercise.Living longer, feeling good and looking good is not that impossible to achieve. You can probably come up with plenty of excuses to not exercise. You are too young, you are too old or you are too tired however if you truly want to improve your physical and mental health you will find time and energy to get in good shape. The benefits of exercising are extremely rewarding and worthwhile. 请做参考。希望能够帮到你13 您可能感兴趣的内容

每天锻炼一小时 幸福是一辈子。近段时间我们每天都在锻炼 请你谈谈你对运动锻炼的感受及想法。 英语作文



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