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来10篇 高中写的一般的英语作文80词左右.

2020-09-29 05:55:01

来10篇 高中写的一般的英语作文80词左右. 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 10篇 高中写的一般的英语作文80词左右. LV 2013 07 29 谢谢..... 满意答案LV2013 07 3010 Yue 2 Ri Saturday weather Today I took part in volunteer organizations, schools, school activities, we came to a German river contaminated. The river filled with a lot of garbage, there are colored plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes, there are a lot of garbage. Our volunteer team, after the organization began to啦rubbish. Less than an hour, the river clean up the garbage by us. Our captain of the organization, began in the riverside trees, flowers. We planted a lot of trees and flowers. Planted trees and flowers later, we started watering. As the flowers of the motherland s future, we have a responsibility to protect the environment. The earth is our common homeland of humanity, we must always remember that protection of the environment, not littering, do not use disposable chopsticks and lunch boxes. In life s small details to achieve environmental protection. 中文: 10月2日(星期六) 天气晴朗 今天我参加了学校的学校组织的志愿者活动,我们来到了一条被污染德河边。河边堆满了许多的垃圾,有各色的塑料袋、一次性餐盒,还有许多的生活垃圾。我们的志愿者队伍,经过组织开始啦清理垃圾。不到一小时,河边的垃圾被我们清理干净了。 我们在队长的组织下,开始在河边植树、种花。我们种下了许多树和花。种下树和花后我们,开始浇水。 作为祖国未来的花朵,我们有责任保护环境。地球是我们人类共同的家园,我们要时刻记住保护环境,不乱扔垃圾,不使用一次性筷子与餐盒。在生活中的小细节中做到保护环境。75 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题



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